The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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The problem is that you can only snipe so much. If they're smart they won't play any basics, and get rid of Uxie and Bats. Eventually there will be just a Mewtwo X out.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

well yeah, but Im saying that you snipe off the regular mewtwo before it can level up
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Everyone, as you may or may not know, we now have a Storms network. Because your username may be different from your Hamachi, we need you to put your Hamachi Username down if it isn't close to your username. My, Minimidgets, and Gliscor's usernames are the same.

Also is anyone here OWNER-VAIO?
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Wait isnt my name there minimidget94? thats what it says by the power button
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Yeah, it's easier to refer to you without the 94 at the end.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Oh, okay well I know, but I thought you were saying that Gliscor and I have the same name on there, but he's Gliscor and I'm minimidget. I'm a little bit confused
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OK here's a recap
Pokebeach User Name/Hamachi Username


EDIT: Spell check didn't say that was wrong, funner, hmm, it doesn't say that's wrong though, rg gre. OK no worries, those are accepted as bad spelling.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Gliscor said:
Good game, Minimidget. But seriously, those were terrible starts to only get like one Energy.

IMO, what seems like the best Mewtwo counter in Palkia lock other than sniping/Dialga G? I'm looking towards Xatu, since I don't like discarding those Tools with Mismagius.

there's always bannette.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

I don't like Bannette much. His first attack doesn't really OHKO Mewtwo, which is what I'm looking for. His second requires to Energy, so :/

BTW, I assume you are not OWNER VAIO?
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I find out who OWNER VAIO is, it's the newest member, jirachizard.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

sorry i had someone make my hamachi account for me sorry if i caused any confusion its just that i don't know how to change my name on there sorry
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

jirachizard98o said:
sorry i had someone make my hamachi account for me sorry if i caused any confusion its just that i don't know how to change my name on there sorry

It's OK. To change your Hamachi name, go to the Hamachi network-System-Preferences and then on the first screen, find your name on it. To the right, there should be something that says "Change". Hit it, and the rest is self explanitory.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Gliscor said:
It's OK. To change your Hamachi name, go to the Hamachi network-System-Preferences and then on the first screen, find your name on it. To the right, there should be something that says "Change". Hit it, and the rest is self explanitory.

thanks i changed my name on hamachi now its now the same as my username here
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Hey everyone, I just joined the Team!
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Nice right now we're discussing the next format and what you want for from the next set.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

I deffinitely want Energy Exchang Unit. It will so useful in my luxchomp and palkia lock, can't wait.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

And my Palkia lock deck =D Cyrus for Water, Cyrus, what TGI card, then EEU the Water for a DCE. Fast, easy setup.

Just went through the most boring game on Redshark yet. It was an hour and 30 minutes. I was playing Palkia Lock, my opponent was playing AMU. Long story, I had a bad start and then did a huge misplay. This lead to both players stalling for about half of the game. He had Azelf MT with the pixies out, and so did I. He locked my retreat and stopped me from playing any Special Energy. I locked his active Palkia Lv.X later. He had a hard time recovering and setting up the Pixie Lv.X's, so he couldn't Supreme Blast. Long, boring game.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

IDK about palkia lock. It just hasnt been working all that great for me recently. and I just feel so much more confident with luxchomp.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

I don't think that Luxchomp will do well in the next format. As much as the loss of Claydol helps it, it makes it lose its purpose. I see Blazeray with a 1-1 Garchomp coming back as it has more power which is extremely important in the new format.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! READ THE FIRST POST LINK MEMBERS

Actually what I was doing was luxchomp with 1-1 blaziken FB. Because you really only need one push of power a game, and if you need more, thats where aarons comes in. but I should probably try that, and it also counters kingdra nicely
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