The Student Lounge Thread

@JacobeTheElf no, I don't get offended, and thank you for being kind about asking this question. It's when kids at school turn questions like this into insults or jokes is when I am offended.
@ shaymindude
I hate when people make jokes about hitler, even though I'm Catholic it still piss me off. Hitler killed millions of people, Jews, gays, Polish, and lots other. I don't see how its funny at all.
Usually what I do when somebody says something mean to me I say "Shutup" and then push them against the lockers.

Anyway i'm on vacation now which is awsome. Sad thing is I stopped beleiving in Santa this year. *Sigh*
^^Little violent? If I did that to people I'm my school, I would be in many fights, unless I do it to my friends. Seriously, don't listen to them. Tell 'em to be more mature and grow up. I don't let other people tell me who to be or what to do or what to wear etc. It works. After I started having the mindset that I don't care what people think of me, I noticed I drastically stopped getting made fun of.

^My bad, that was meant for PDC. I'll fix that. Btw, didn't Hitler kill himself by eating some poison or inhaling some gas? I could be wrong, I'm not sure.

I guess but heh. It get's on my nerves because mostly they will be 8th or 7th graders who say it. They always pick on 6th graders so they deserve it.
^Thats how it is at my school. Everyone picks on the 7th graders (but we, the then 8th graders and me and the 7th graders, picked on the 6th graders last year). We don't pick on the 6th graders now because we have the 7th to deal about. Actually, we only picked on the 7th graders at the beginning of the year. We actually don't pick on anyone. We're in our own bubble and we only do stuff with other 8th graders.

Btw, I hate middle school. So much drama.



I hate my life :(

Oh, and Hitler killed himself by shooting himself with a cyanide capsule, a type of poison. :) (yes, a smiley is appropriate.)
^mkay, well then, whatever he killed himself with.
Yeah, middle school's bad. I'm happy I only had to go through 2 years of it (6th grade is still elementary school where I live).
^Middle school is the best time of my life for me. (but I heard high school is even better) About to start more of my homework D: Looks like my vacation is basically over D:

Oh dear lord, I go back to school Monday. Once I get back it's OMG LOL FINALS FINALS FINALS. Any other high-schoolers here dreading finals as well?
I'm not a High schooler but I have exams in 2 weeks. I won't be online that week more than 15 min. a day. The exam in math will count for High School credit.
I go back Monday, but I took my Finals the last week of school before Winter Break lol. Finals after break seems a little silly tbh. You forget most of everything over the break unless you study every day or something. Who wants to do that during Christmas? I just don't have the focus to do anything on a break (that is the point of them after all). Just one more semester and I'm done with high school woot.

dmastet out.
I agree. That's why the teachers begin to hammer down review material for the semester right when we get back from break. So it's study study study until the week of January 17th >_>
Thankfully I don't go back until the 10th...I got nearly a month off! When I was in high school, though, our semesters were always done at the end of December (before break), so that's when we took finals. Like dmaster said, seems kind of counterintuitive to have finals after break.