The Student Lounge Thread

Ugh. I hate L.A. Annoying as heck. At least i'm in the somewhat cool group. We're going to have this huge string of tests soon so i'm kinda getting worried. Even worse CMT's (mastery tests) are coming soon.
Faldsfjsdfjowie. Studying for my Lit/Comp Honors Analytical Test on The Catcher in the Rye. WOOT. Another biased and opiniated test from my teacher. I also have to make myself LARGE study guides for upcoming finals, as my teacher's all believe that we (the students) already have the proper material to study. In all reality, we don't. I can't believe I got such an incompetent string of teachers for my honors/AP classes this year.
Yeah, what Hyperbeem said. If you have a high enough average in your classes and if you have pretty good attendance. Luckily, I haven't missed a day yet, and my averages are good enough.
Heck yeah! 'Nother day of doing basically no work and just hanging out with friends. The only classes I worked in were Science (which we never do work in. I was surprised), Spanish (have work every day), and Algebra. Algebra is okay though, because my teacher is awesome. And my life of no homework is coming to a close. Next semester I have no study hall which means homework D:<
I'm at my TA class right now and what's weird is that my teacher doesn't care when I whip out my cell phone. So basically, I posted this in school! Lol.
I got to do this personal narrative and fix it all up. It's due Friday though so I have a bit of time. I'm on my third draft too >_>. Anyway i'm going to start doing a summer vacation countdown the first day of spring.
Oh dear lord, I just got my schedule for next semester. Not. Pretty.

Italian 2 Honors
Physics/Chem Honors
Information Technology 2
Literature/Comp Honors
Phys Ed 2
Study Hall/Lunch
AP American History
Math 2 Honors

Also, I got the big ol' packet of course selection for next year. Already :> Here we go againn xD
It looks like I'll have a pretty tough schedule next year D:

Italian 3 Honors
Honors Bio
World Lit/Comp Honors
Math 3 Honors
AP World History
Lunch/Study Hall
Phys Ed/Health (last year, woooo!)

So outside of what's required, I have a full period open for two semesters. I'll be taking two of the following: Digital Art, Creative Writing, or Speech. I suppose I could take Speech the summer prior to the next school year, but I honestly don't feel like doing that. Then again, it's only twelve days of three-four hour classes. Sounds significantly better than a full semester. Whaddya guys think?

At my school, if a teacher sees a Cell Phone, the take it away for the day. I they see it again, it's taken away for the year :(. Teachers get a 2 day no pay suspention from teaching if there phone is seen.

I once got my iPod taken away. The VP told me he'd go to my bus but he hid from me and avioded me had to go to his office.
ahhhhh the beauty of home school. sit all day do as much work as you want and do nothing. i hated public school because well...its public school. everyone is a jerk and no one cares. heck i brought my ds most days and played during some classes. and i wasnt alone lol. i had a couple of friends taht did the same thing.
We have a calling zone, so if we call or text out of that zone, our phones are taken away and we have to pay $10 for them. Mine was taken but I got it back. I get out at 12:15 all week :)
^Lucky. We don't get to use phones anywhere... for the whole day... :|
Some people have perfected the fine art of texting under the table whilst looking up. I just need to learn how to do that on a non-full-keyboard phone and I'll be set...
At my school we can only use cell phones at lunch, or we get the taken away.

But my Homeroom teacher lets us use our phones, and he is the only teacher that lets his class use them, so let me tell you, we have anonymously called people in other classes :p
My schedule for the next semester is basically the same, except I drop my studyhall D: and art :D.

This is my schedule (8th grade)

Earth Science
Spanish 1
U.S. History
Ice (which is basically a 20 minute study hall. It was designed for special help from teachers or announcements for the grade. But nobody uses it for that; it's just a free period. Btw, my periods are 42 minutes long)
AP Lunch
Back to Algebra (only for 20 minutes)
English 1

English and Algebra are both 1 hour long, which kind of sucks. Except that math is awesome. Since the unit we're working on now is really easy, I just watch/ play my iPod all class period. My teacher doesn't care either (as long as you are doing well in his class).
Today at school their was a methane leak and we all had to leave the build for 35 min.
Apparantly my brother skipped school today. My mom and I are not very pleased. Its good that at least the school called to tell my mom. She ended up passing the message on to me.
Back to school while my brother is 'ill'. Huzzah. He stayed at home and eats all day. Honestly! Eating! When you're ill! :(
Snowstorm tomorrow, we're likely to get 4-8 inches so there'll likely be no school tomorrow.

Which is good. This has been a long, long week.
JTE, that was almost my exact same schedule in 8th grade (With ice and everything). Do you by chance go to a school in the Olentangy District?

Anyways, school is quite annoying when it comes to making up class. In elementary, and most of middle school, being sick for a while was OK, and wasn't to hard to make up for. Now, we learn new things each and every day in every class. I've been sick this past week, but hav had to go to school every day since the midterm reviews and last-minute projects are so important. Even if I did make it all up, with the change of the grading period, having to make things up later would mean I'd be losing a ton of points on my transcript, since the teachers don't excuse you for absence on grade cards >.>