The Student Lounge Thread

Phew. Only have tomorrow to go, the next monday and tuesday, then I'm out until that next tuesday. A 6 day break after a two week break? Not to shabby.
Starting fundraiser for school, should make anywhere from 1000 to 2000 by next week :)

Not sure where to donate it to yet.
^^^No, I don't go to that district. But it wouldn't surprise me if my school copied your school's schedule. If you want to know what district I live in, I can PM you.

Today, I turned in my personal narrative. And let me say, it was absolutely terrible. But then again, I only do the bare minimum. Also, I honestly think one of my teachers was having 'her time'. She's normally really nice, but today she was grouchy, and mean and stuff. She gave out 20 lunch detentions today alone! (including me, it wasn't too bad because our teacher that was watching us kept leaving the room.) We almost had to fill up two classrooms just for lunch detentions.
Chiraami said:
Back to school while my brother is 'ill'. Huzzah. He stayed at home and eats all day. Honestly! Eating! When you're ill!
Uhmm... are you not supposed to eat while you're sick? Cuz that'd be sorta bad if you were sick for an extended period of time...
We're suppoused to have this big blizzard on Wednesday which will probubly snow about another foot. We currently have about a foot on the ground. 2 feet will no doubt blow over school so I hope I can get another day off. If we do I get my benchmark test pushed back to Friday. Thats good because I don't feel like doing it on Wednesday.
We got back our science fair approval forms today, only 5 people got approved, I was sadly rejected also.

But I only had to change to "your"s to "the"s, really a waste of a rejection.
I've been scared about my AP Biology finals, but it turns out that at my school, I can get 10 extra points on a final for having no D-halls, and 10 points to another test for having no fines.
First day of classes was today. Waking up at 7 was tough -- I've been sleeping in majorly during the past few weeks. Thankfully I have Tuesday and Friday off from classes this semester...having a three day week will be fantastic!
Ahah! Tomorrow is my offical last day of the semester, then I'm free 'till next tuesday.
It's snowing pretty hard where I am, and I'm still stuck worrying about finals. Final schedule just came in the mail...huzzah?

January 18th: Italian 2 exam, APUSH exam, study hall (allowed to leave at 10:55AM ;))
January 19th: Chem/Phys Sci Honors exam, Math 2 Honors exam, Art Foundations exam. Leave at 12:35PM
January 20th: Study hall, Honors Literature/Composition exam. Leave at 10:55AM :D

I love this schedule. I just wish that I had study hall after my english exam on the twentieth, that way I could leave at 9:15 </3
I got so much homework which sucks. I doubt there will be school tommrow because we're probubly going to get about 2 1 / 2 ft on the ground by tommrow.
Yeah, I had school out yesterday (Staff Day), today (snow), and tomorrow (snow)! Winter is such a magical time of the year, don't you think?
We got about 2 - 3 feet of snow. In some areas it's practically over my head....
We got about the same amount, pdc. So we're off today, but it's melting quickly so I doubt we'll have a delay tomorrow or anything.
Ours ins't. In some areas it got to maybe 3 1 / 2 feet. We might have a delay tommrow too.
we only got about 5 inches but its been close since monday and its closed tomorrow so its probably going to be closed friday to oh how I love being a red neck
Gahhh! Most likely not going to school tomorrow, whether it be due to the weather or the fact that I feel dreadful. Academic stress and the weather have made me an absolute mess. FAwiaoiwijkj. I need summer. So unbelievably badly.