The Student Lounge Thread

I had a good day today. I didn't get alot of homework (just a spelling packet and getting some tests signed), I had a fun random debate with a friend in study hall about who would win in a fight: a unicorn, a T-rex, or a dragon, and I did something really stupid that turned out to be funny (I flung my journal into the air because I was bored and it accidently fell on my face).
Oh dear god. Exams week has been pure hell.

Italian 2 Exam- 98% A
Honors Physics/Chem- 87% B+
Honors English- ???
APUSH- 83% B
Math 2 Honors- 89% B+
Art Foundations- 95% A

WOOT. Pretty decent grades, if you ask me. My GPA remains at about a 4.3. Way better than my expectations!
I've been far too lazy to do any homework. So now I've got seven prices to do on Sautrday and six on Sunday. And two tomorrow and three on Friday. Glorious.
Hooray! 1st semester is over! And now instead of taking P.E. and Jr. Leadership(A.K.A. Gay version of social studies), I take Health and computers. :D
I have been trying to get into Thomas Jefferson High School, the best one in the country, and the letters were supposed to arrive today so i could get recommendations from my teachers to get it, a very prestigious and hard school to get into. But the letter didnt come and now all the recommendations my teachers are giving away (only a certain amount) will be taken!!! Im so worried.

Geometry is really hard, haveing my final tuesday, yes, a final at the end of the first semester. I hate french because we already took two out of the three part final, both of which i got an A-, i am so gonna fail.

I am in eighth grade...
^ Is that directed at me? Well im in the state were thomas jefferson high school is in. Its fun being able to apply to TJ (which is what we call it around were i live) because my high grades let me make fun of my friends.

But french is horrible, i really dont like it.
^Dudedudedude. My brother goes to TJ (I didn't get in, sadly, but w/e)... do you live near Vienna? Cuz that's where the league I go to is...
^ No i dont, im up north, in a county that was recognized as one of the richest counties in the united states. But dont stalk me. Im trying to be discreet. the test to get in was extremely easy for everybody, now i just hope my grades will let me past the first cut, the letter is supposed to arrive any moment now, but hasnt arrived yet so i will probably get it on monday. How is TJ, i heard the test to get in was the hardest part.

I have two huge year long projects in civics and science.
I gotta go back tommrow >_>. Stinks because it's about -5 right now. Yep that cold. Anyway, I have something i'm really looking foward to. April Vacation. I'm going to Jamaica Bay then! If you didn't know i'm a bird watcher and want to see the various shorebirds during spring migration.

Do you go to the Fairfax league? TJ is in Fairfax county I think.
@Glaceon Yea im in that county, but TJ accepts from other counties such as prince william and montgomery i think.

I hate having to get up at 6 am, thats a high school thing, not a middle school one!! So going to TJ i would be able to sleep in until 7:30.

Interesting thing about Fairfax county is that sixth grade is considered elementary school , not middle school.

To get into TJ, i have been taking something called MAth COunts which is basically a math competition. SO hard, i hope i make the team.
^ Im in AMC 8, but my coaches still have to decide who is on the team and who is individual. the competition will be held at my school this time. :)
^ Im in geometry. Are you in 8th grade, a few of my friends are in algebra two. I was supposed to be in algebra two, but my elementary school made me repeat the same math twice because it was too much trouble sending me to a middle school to take algebra one.

But at least im doing well in geometry it makes me stand out. So it a win win situations. Same with TJ, if i get in, i look super smart. But if i dont, i stand out in my base school.
^ When i go into high school, i can do AP immediatly because i am in GT. (Gifted and Talented) its a program in fairfax county which is for the smarter people so they take harder classes, its a step up from honors.

That no AP thing is sorta, stupid preventing you from learning.
I think AP is overrated, and the TJ test isnt actually that hard, you just have to do real well on your essays, IB is the way to go
What I wish is that I didn't need to go to school. I've got a French essay I forgot about over the weekend to do at 7:00 am. Groan.