The Student Lounge Thread

Im in Geometry at this point. Its my second year because I got a B+ last year and my mom is making me retake it
Geometry is the easiest thing ever, I got an A+ last semester, though some of my peers performed at a very low level in the class.

My English class is terrible now that we have begun our unit on "To Kill a Mockingbird".

It is a terrible story to me, through the first three chapters, showcasing to me the idiocy of American education, which has really never been revised to meet the standards of today's world. I do not know why it is an American Classic at this point. It is also very terrible that our teacher has lost control of the class with this story, though he never really had control, he does not know what is happening, and neither do I, what we are supposed to do and how we are supposed to do it. It seems to be a wasted year to this point, do any of you have teachers that are like this?

Today the superintendent came to our school to announce that our Dean, Mrs. Dean (XD), will be the interim principal, as our current principal will be resigning, so my school will get our second principal in school history. It was eventful, but uninteresting because it was expected by all that it was to happen. It will be interesting after the summer when that dean gets the full job and we get our third dean ever.
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite novels of all time, not sure why you seem to have a vendetta against it.
^Yeah, it's a great book. I loved it also.
I got a high A on my French oral PALs by saying some English words with a French accent and getting lucky because they actually were French words! Woohoo!
Zenith said:
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite novels of all time, not sure why you seem to have a vendetta against it.

Agreed completely, and I think I have found the key phrase in Guy89's post:

Guy89 said:
first three chapters

^mhm. Dun hate, it's a fantastic book- you'll appreciate it more as you read on.
@Scizorlicious I had my speaking PALS a while ago, i got a 95. Pretty good. Hate speaking the language though...

In geometry, i got 46/50 on the final part 1, te highest in the class!! YAY
They are packing us with homework because of all the snow days. I don't mind it much but it's getting annoying now. Today was pretty hectic because of delays and snow. We're getting snow tommrow and Thursday too.
Still didnt get the TJ letter, this is the first time ever, apparently, where they arent being consistent with the mail. They usually send it out all at once, but not this time.

In math counts, the team of four has been made. Then we have six individual spots. Four of those have been taken. Now they need to more people. Me, and my three friends are the people that the couches are looking at for the spot. So we took a test. My first friend go a 19, then i got a 16, then my other sorta friend got a 15, then my good friend got a 12. So this basically means that i am in the team!!! But i dont know that yet.

Have a snow day today!!
Snow Day today. Exhausted because my mom made me stay up to watch Obama's Speech and then I never fell asleep.
I woke up and checked my watch and was like omg there is like 10 minutes to catch the bus so I tell my parents to make me some bread and I get ready and rush down, eat the toast and then they tell me there is no school :)
Very nice half day today, with an hour homeroom for pictures so it was a very good day today.
We had a early dismissal because of snow. We might get a day off tommrow too. There is alot of snow right now so who knows how much it will add up to.
Can a teacher participate in this discussion without being lynched or stoned to death?

I don't actually mind my students sleeping in my classes cause I am getting paid to teach. However, if I let everyone just go to sleep and not listen, I am not doing the job I was hired to do.

Plus, it isn't fair to me when kids are sleeping and I have to stay awake to teach this stuff to you guys.

::glares at the entire thread::

In all seriousness, I do enjoy my job and I find teaching to be both challenging, fun, and a great way to relieve stress (Sending a student flying 4 feet from his chair after I shocked him out of his deep sleep is surprisingly soothing).

What do you teach?

One of my teachers has some of the same opinions as you do. He isn't going to bother if you go to sleep. The one time he said that someone fell asleep in his class, was when he was teaching seniors at another school. School ended early because it was for seniors, and the teacher left him their sleeping on the desk, and didn't bother to wake him up, and made sure that the other students did not wake him up, because sleeping was very important to him.

The next day that student told him that he had made him late for his job, and he got fired. The teacher just told him that maybe he shouldn't sleep during class XD.