Yes, I am a "teacher". I teach English here in Japan. It is my first year and I am planning to stay for another two years. I actually run my drawings by my students and see what their opinions are.
I put "teacher" in quotations because while I am technically listed, under my visa, as "instructor", employed as a teacher in a Board of Education, and called "sensei" in and out of school....I did not study or major in Education nor have a taught anything else other then English; though I did do a American Culture class for a day which was fun.
I am not 100% sure of the Western (American) school teacher layout but the teachers over here are even more exhausted then the students. Since I am not a "full teacher", I report in at 8 and leave by 4:30 though I opt to stay till 6 since I can get work done. But there are teachers at my school who will wake up at 3 am, get to work at 6 am, stay till 9 pm and go to bed at 12 am....every day including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
I would like to get into Grad school and get my doctorate so I can actually teach a subject I enjoy and find fascinating.