The Student Lounge Thread

Only one day of school. Too much snow. Really! No power. Big explosion. The sky literally lit up at night.
I've seen some teachers not bother a couple kids sleeping in class although I've seen some vehement teachers purposely push them to wake up and do work.

I'm kind of iffy about it...Some kids at my school work or have a really stressful home life. It might be their only time to sleep. :/

dmaster out.
In all seriousness, I do enjoy my job and I find teaching to be both challenging, fun, and a great way to relieve stress (Sending a student flying 4 feet from his chair after I shocked him out of his deep sleep is surprisingly soothing).

LostVoice, I never knew you were a teacher!? ;P
I'm glad to see a teacher actually commenting in this thread as well! Although I'm often very tired at school from my deprivation of sleep (not sure if you'd call 5-6 hours of sleep a sleep deprivation xP), I've only actually slept during class once before (the funny thing is, it was yesterday xD). Like dmaster said, while I understand that some students are very stressed out and get very little sleep, I'm still kind of iffy on that subject. I think the primary reason I fell asleep during my Honors Physical Science course was due to the fact that we no longer do any hands on labs. I've found the class so unbelievably boring, especially when watching an animated video portraying the reactants of acids and bases >_>

I'm just glad to know that about seven other kids managed to fall asleep as well xD
I only sleep in classes when I know the material already. For example, my school district has a requirement that you take a class called Participation in Government to graduate; the problem is that I already knew the entire curriculum, and could have taken the final and aced it on the first day. Having to sit through classes that I really don't need to take is a major pet peeve of mine.
Day one: Lots of ice
Day two: Lots of snow
Day three: Lots of power failures

I got a day off on Monday because it was the day where teachers made the report cards, Tuesday was a normal day (and first day of the second semester). Yesterday there was a big icing, causing schools to be closed. Last night there was lots of snow, so today I had no school. Due to the snow, there were so many buildings without any power in my county, so schools had to close for another day. Awesome.

In my school, the teachers don't like students sleeping in class, unless that person finished an exam or something. However, the most teachers don't get students into trouble if it's your first time or something; they just warn them.
^Exactly (about the ice and snow). I won't have school tommarrow either. 1 day week, 5 day weekend!
Oh gawd. Sososo jealous of both of you. What a stressful week I've had. My Honors English teacher thought it'd be cute to have us compose an expository essay on The Scarlet Letter, a book we read in October. Charming.
Yes, I am a "teacher". I teach English here in Japan. It is my first year and I am planning to stay for another two years. I actually run my drawings by my students and see what their opinions are.

I put "teacher" in quotations because while I am technically listed, under my visa, as "instructor", employed as a teacher in a Board of Education, and called "sensei" in and out of school....I did not study or major in Education nor have a taught anything else other then English; though I did do a American Culture class for a day which was fun.

I am not 100% sure of the Western (American) school teacher layout but the teachers over here are even more exhausted then the students. Since I am not a "full teacher", I report in at 8 and leave by 4:30 though I opt to stay till 6 since I can get work done. But there are teachers at my school who will wake up at 3 am, get to work at 6 am, stay till 9 pm and go to bed at 12 am....every day including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

I would like to get into Grad school and get my doctorate so I can actually teach a subject I enjoy and find fascinating.
Yes, we've got a 7-day weekend thanks to 2 Student Holidays, a normal weekend, and 3 snow days! I could appreciate it more if my power hadn't ben out for the last day and a half, but I'll take it (the power thing is nothing new, though. In my neighborhood, someone sneezes and then the power goes out :p).
I Lost power for 22 hours.... It was getting sooooo cold.... So i will have a 7 day weekend. Because we have a four day weekend already for the teacher workdays, then three more because of the snow days and the power outages.

I STILL didnt get the TJ letter. Makes me soooo mad. This is the last day to get it, because TJ was staggering with the mail, they said this would be the latest to get it. And if i dont get it today Im calling them And asking if i made the first cut.... I need those recommendations....
^Do you go to an FCPS school? Because that describes our schedule exactly. And you said your power went out... plus you mentioned TJ ;P (good luck with that, by the way. I tried out and didn't make it past the 2nd cut, but TBH, I'm not that upset now. TJ means a lot more work and a lot less time for stuff you want to do with friends, and doesn't necessarily help you get into a better school. In fact, I think I have a better chance in getting into UVA now than if I were to have gone to TJ. But it is an excellent school; best in the nation. [/rambling]).
Don't worry too much about the letter. It'll come.
I was absent on friday and we got words for a vocabulary test. I emailed my teacher telling her i was absent and such and i asked her for the words. Her reply:

I understand you were absent, but reviews are extra. You should studying your class notes every night as I instruct you to, since the words on each vocabulary test come from notes and homework.
Ms. Sherry
