The Student Lounge Thread

Like my Spanish teacher, hes like do an online activity and I do a random one and then hes like thats not the one i want and i get pissed
Lol. My spanish teacher has something wrong with her. Like really wrong with her. She goes loopy in the middle of a sentence sometimes. Please don't ask for specifics *Shivers*

But yeah the teacher in my other post is my SS teacher. She made me watch the STATE OF THE UNION speech for an hour to find out what the state of our union is. It was the last line in the speech. FML
My spanish teacher is american and lived in spain for 2 years and thinks he can teach spanish, he is horribly wrong.

My Bio teacher is out to get me... She made me sit in the front of the room and got someone stupider than me to watch me and make sure i was paying attention BECAUSE I COUGHED

My science teacher is from india. Imagine hearing every other third word she says, and being expected to get 100's. Welcome to my life.
I am Indian, like seriously no joke. I go home and I get like a 96 on a test and my mom is like y didnt u get a 100 and im like u know what i have an A so be quiet
Im Just lucky that my mom doesnt object to me playing pokemon. If I get anything less than an A I have to stop playing.
Im serbian and my parent are worse. When i get 100, they say i could do better. and when i get an A-, they say thats not an A, but i get mad and say its an A with a MINUS. So they get me really mad.
My parents aren't anywhere near as strict as some other parents. I could get a B- and my parents would be like, "Just try harder next time!". If I get a C, my parents would just have a talk with me, but I won't get into any real trouble. D or below is just bad though xD.

At least I pulled straight A's this semester.
6 A's and 1 B just because I was absent and couldn't get the work finished. How unfair is that? I finally got that A I've neen striving for in English so I'd have straight A's, but no. My Yearbook teacher has to take it in finished or not. It doesn't matter if I missed 2 days :(:(:(.
I need to vent.

I was just doing some Pre-Calculus Homework. Now, the notes that we did in class were pretty easy and understandable.

Until, I got onto the Homework. She showed us, literally none of the occasions that I found on the Homework. Every problem was different to the Homework, I hate my Pre-Calc teacher SO MUCH
My parents don't care if I play Pokemon, or am on this site, I'm not even sure if they know that I am here :S

My parents aren't very strict, they don't care that much if I don't get a good grade, I am more unhappy then they are when I get a bad grade.

Also, right now my second lowest grade is Choir right now XD
glaceon said:
6 A's and 1 B just because I was absent and couldn't get the work finished. How unfair is that? I finally got that A I've neen striving for in English so I'd have straight A's, but no. My Yearbook teacher has to take it in finished or not. It doesn't matter if I missed 2 days :( :( :(.
In college, no one cares that you were absent. In some high school classes, no one cares that you were absent. Don't complain about it. You're lucky they took it when it was unfinished. (Of course, there are teachers/professors who will care if you have a good enough excuse. I was able to make up my BHS-103 final because I was in the hospital.)

New high school semester started today! For me. Contemporary Literature, Evolution and Animal Behavior, Forensics, Poetry (I needed another English credit), Economics, Physical Education. I've done enough actual work, time for an easy semester.
I'm not taking AP Econ, because the school splits it into two classes.

I'm also incredibly lazy and already a college student so I really don't care about high school anymore.
Questions for Zenith: What's BHS-103?
New high school semester started today! For me.
I'm also incredibly lazy and already a college student so I really don't care about high school anymore.
^How are you in college and high school at the same time? Dual credit classes?
Finally got a call from the Tj admissions office. Made the first cut!! Still dont know what i got on the tests though...
I had my Spanish midterm today, and I must say I did fairly well. And considering I didn't study, too. I was going to study, but the X Games were on, and I didn't want to miss Shaun White.

Also, I'm now getting made fun of in school by some people just because I like a girl who is Jewish. I just do not get why people make fun of other people...
Oh yeah, that reminds me. I have 3 tests next Monday, which I don't get because they [the teachers] know nobody will study because everyone will stay up late watching the Super Bowl. Plus they know almost everyone has some traditional pre-Super Bowl thing before the game, so no studying on Sunday. Looks like my grades are going to start low at the beginning of a new quarter. :/