The Student Lounge Thread

All hell has frozen over in new york. The tree's have frozen over, the snow has frozen over (Yes, there is a shield of ice on the snow) and just about every car has frozen over. SCHOOLS OPEN :p
Yeah, I had school today. Every school in my county was closed, except for mine; no joke. It was so stupid. My bus ended up being 45 minutes late to school, but at least we had an early dismissal.
It's supposed to snow here tomorrow and southeast Texas. I really hope school is canceled Friday, it'd be a nice birthday present.
Highs of 80s today :)

Does anyone here think that a class such as finance would be beneficial to students since they would actually use it, unlike most of the classes we take now.
I really love the effect that the Packers are having on Green Bay. On Monday, we're getting an early release, just because they're in the Super Bowl.

AND if they win, we also get a Tuesday break! Which is good, because I really needed to get way from my (Insert swear here) Chemistry teacher.
Wow, we didn't get anything when the Cards were in the Super Bowl, just the person on the announcements saying go Cards.
^Speaking of Dallas, did you see the high school state football state championship game this December?
I've had enough of cold and school. Bring on the warmth and summber break. I miss all of my camp friends.
In chorus, in a song, we sing bad words. My class was laughing as she told us how to pronounce them.
I went back to school after my long summer break, 4 days ago.

My thoughts of my year 11 classes, for the first half of the year.

Web design, funny teacher, and it's very interesting.

Drama, fun as usual.

English, boring as usual.

English: Creative Writing,(I love to write) is a great class.

Italian, okay i guess, only 5/6 people in our class.

Maths, we do the work, but our teacher keeps talking to us, probably getting to know us, he's a good teacher.

With the Creative Writing class, I'll tell you the two stories i've written so far.

First one was about a bunch of thieves on the run, it was a story poem.

Current one, was about a guy, who does his daily run, jumping roof tops in a city, he ends up dying, after falling on a car, better than the usual happy ending.
80% of the class can probably pronounce them perfectly. It's second to the "f-word". We have to say it 4 or 8 times.
The only good thing about pneumonia is that I get to miss school. Woot.

Not that that makes up for much. I feel rotten, and I have to read all of the Harry Potter books as an assignment from last term. Groan.
Harry Potter o_O

Our teacher said that if we were reading that series that we should stop and start reading a real book.
In middle school there was once a schoolwide announcement because the name for the next Harry Potter book was announced (Deathly Hallows). However, people who are trying to look like they have 'refined' tastes in reading tend to put the series down, even though it's actually written rather well.
It's a good thing that the Packers won, because I'm not even going to bother going to school tomorrow. They'll let me off as long as I say it's a "family vacation"
All 'A's... awesome. Especially for French, because that's an annoying class... ._. 3rd quarter has no holidays whatsoever... funfun DX
We'll be missing the rest of the week here, it looks like. They're calling for 6-10 inches of snow. Then it'll be in the 60s during the weekend. Only in Arkansas...
Got progress reports. I got all B+'s, and A's. Maybe a B- though =/. I was hoping on getting a snow day today though. We have 1 day of vacation left now. Honestly one day isn't really anything. So I would just want to get rid of it. We're having the DRP tommrow and preparing for the mastery tests. This menas tests are gonna come in packages now and so are reviews. Great. Just great. More work to do.