The Student Lounge Thread

We've had a lot of snow days here. Last week we only went to school Monday, then a ton of snow and ice fell, so we got the rest of the week off. Then this week, we had Wensday off due to ice and freezing rain. Very, very rare for Texas to have that many snow days.
^We got one day off here and we have to make up for it by attending school on Good Friday. I hate my school district.
Just finished an essay. It only has to be 5 paragraphs. Mine was 6 pages (typed) and 2,671 words long.
I have an essay due Friday :(. I hate essays. I usually procrastinate and end up staying up until 11 doing it. I hope to have it 3/5 done by Weds.
Yeah, man, I'm with Hyperbeem. 9th grade is a breeze for me, even with English. I take three Pre-AP Classes, but it's still not really a problem. I get "A"s and errything, too. Maybe I just go to a bad school (lolol public school in NM lolol), but whatever. Really, I get an essay every few weeks and a biology worksheet every other day. Meh.
Im with both you guys. 9th grade is super easy, the only bad part is that I procrastinate way too much and my teachers are stupid :p
9th grade was so easy.

But anyway, was everyone else saying "Happy Singles Awareness Day"? Or was it just in my school?
Yeah. And it basically is, everyone's aware of who's single what with all the "I hate Valentine's Day" statuses on facebook...
jk, but it was sort of. Singles who say that are just jealous ;P
Since we're on the subject of single and Valentine's Day, I'm still single and I'm almost 24. Mainly it is due to me not trying to get a gf since I want to pay off student loan debt first.

so you're breaking up with me?!?!

On Topic: My freshman year was a bit challenging due to pre-calc and a hard history teacher(she finally retired) but other than that, same as the rest of high school: pointless subjects.
No one really paid any attention to the fact that it was V-Day at my school.

Seemed to go through smoothly, now that I'm doing Trig stuff in Geo I had to find my graphing calculator, which took me a while to start getting it.
^or you need to figure out how tall a flag pole is...
Glad I'm in Algebra II this year instead. I had a great teacher for Geometry last year, so it wasn't that bad.
@#1weavile: You're the one who keeps avoiding me. You never come on chat anymore.:(

I actually enjoy learning about other cultures. Its really cool to learn about other places and all their customs.