The Student Lounge Thread

@scizor r u kidding me, she taught us virtually nothing in our class... but i also sat next to him... maybe that had something to do with it
Going to school in 30 minutes. I hope i can print my health poster in school. Otherwise, I fail health. Fun day this should be :p
So, I got a big role in the school play this year, my History teacher always writes the plays, so don't bother trying to guess what I am in.

Anyways, performances go on later this week, and luckily, I have performances during the school day for tomorrow and Friday!


So, I have the option to go to class, so I'm going to Algerbra because I am a desperate failure at math....
Today was a half day at my school which means we get out at 11:30. :D

We had our Social Studies Debate today on whether to drop the atomic bomb or not, even though we lost the toss today and had to be against dropping it, we still won because of my amazing summarizing skills.

I think that my English teacher got fired today, though he may have just been suspended. Supposedly he told the mayors son to get the h ell out of his classroom and then he started cussing at him. So he isn't there anymore an the other teachers are subbing the class (First Tie we learned something all year). No one knows what happened to him but we think that he go fired or suspended.

Have you ever had one of your teachers ever been fired or suspended or something like that?
I got a 100% on the civics mid term final!! I have six projects from the four core classes. This is hell. But i will work hard to get them done!!
Today was awesome! My evil chorus teacher wasn't here and I was laughing basicly the entire 45min, but he can around half way through. This one guy who sits next to me is super funny. He's also in my math class.
Today was cool... I fell asleep in math and had one of those dreams where i fell of a cliff for no reason, woke with a jolt and shoved my desk into a friend... just great
I fell asleep in Algebra today... it's okay, I have over 100% and missed pretty much nothing, since I finished my midterm waaaayyy before anyone else. But I still had to be rudely awakened by my teacher...
I was in Pre-Algebra today and just received my graded test to be shocked that I got everything wrong! My math teacher let us re-do it to get back some points. She left some examples up on the board to help out, I must have a perfect 50/50 now. :D
How do you have over 100%?

A guy fell asleep in algebra and the teacher squirted him with window cleaner (Not toxic, very little). Shes one of my favorite teachers, but she moved me away from all my friends. Luckily she moved one of my friends near me.
Have you ever had one of your teachers ever been fired or suspended or something like that?

Two college professors got fired during the time I was there, though only one I actually had. The one I had I have no idea why, the other the instructor had accidentally poked a student with a needle instead of the animal when demonstrating and never filled out an incident report.

I just received a terrible report card. Ive never done so terrible in my life!!
Sorry to hear that. I hope you do better next quarter.
I might get a teacher fired, or suspended. Does; Unjust Treatment, Harrassement, and threats, constitute as base for suspension?
Over here we have terms. That was our second term. I got to stop talking so day dreaming so much!!
@ Darkvoid, same with our school we have a crazy teacher and hes really racist and has wierd vids on youtube, we might get him fired
Once a teacher (I think) was suspended for talking on a cell phone in class. She was talking about the mail...
^Our teachers do that all the time
ex. Something something something cell membrane *ring* *ring* O hold on a minute kids *facepalm*
One of the teachers at my school was just put on paid leave as they investigate claims by a student that she LOCKED HIM IN A CAGE.
Our physical trainer is also on paid leave pending charges of sexual harrassment to a student.
My school is really screwed up, haha.