The Student Lounge Thread

AHH! Middle School is such a drag. There's a dance on the tenth, but i'm not going. I have an A in science and a c+ im math. Curses.

I'm more a Reading and English, History kind of person. B+ses in almost all of them! =p
Got my report card for the first semester a week ago, A+ in Astronomy and Natural Disasters, A- in Health (which is darn good for a class that gave me panic attacks), and B in Participation in Government (I got an A+ on the final, though).

Speaking of panic attacks, I had to drop Poetry. I replaced it with English Literature, which is a pretty great class so far.

Please watch your language, thanks :) ~ JC
Second semester is stressing me out to the maximum. I have a DBQ due Tuesday, which is basically an essay written based off of documents pertaining to a certain topic in History. My current topic is an easy one- Roosevelt's New Deal plus how it affected the Great Depression, and how the Great Depression changed the way that the government managed the U.S. economy. So there's that, plus my expository English essay due Tuesday, my Math 2 Honors test on Tuesday, and then an APUSH test tomorrow. How exciting. Not to mention my school's Winter Formal is Saturday. Asdf.

Edit: My class ranking is 38/450.
...I really hope my grades see some improvement this semester.
A lot of people in my school said that they hate DBQ's. I don't know, but they really aren't that hard. To me, it's basically just writing a paragraph explaining the topic you were given.

Anyways, I'm off to a good start this semester. Unlike last semester, when I opened up my first test WITH AN E, I have a 100% in Geometry right now. Hopefully I can keep it that way for the next few weeks.
First week of semester 2, our history teacher gave us 3 pop quizzes to bring our grade down so we'll work harder. What a loving guy.
So, basically, it's saying religious people are dumber? That's just a slap in the face, for, oh, say, 80% of the World. It's true; more intelligent individuals will ponder the existence of a God, but this shouldn't apply to everyone. Especially students.

Anyways, I've got this radical assignment where I've got to write a 10-page paper on an important deceased American of my choice. At least my class gets to dress up and pretend we're that person for an entire school day, along with a 10-minute oral presentation. Ugh.
@Hyperbeem: Are you trying to convert people?

Anyway, I don't think being an Atheist or being Religious has any impact on your intelligence, some of the most intelligent people in the world are Religious and some are Atheists. Atheism, in my opinion is just the newest form of religion.
I swear, the school lunches are the worst. There Pizza is horrible. Hotdogs can literally bounce 5 feet of the floor.

Anyway, today wasn't to bad. Averedge day. Nothing new happened. Although I do have some tests coming up which does get me a little edgey. Anyway, Masterey Tests are coming in March. This really stinks because I hate masterey tests. Usually they don't out me under much pressure, but the teachers are always telling us about it and they're making it sound like the entire world relies on you getting a good score. We've been practicing for over month and now they're really going over the edge. Even though I like writing, the writing prompt is probubly the biggest test in their eyes. It practically decides if you get a C or a A in Language Arts.

Math is also getting more and more into CMT. We have CMT review warm-ups everyday. They count for your grade too which kinda stinks. Anyway, hows the Masterey Tests going with everybody? =/
I don't think that I've ever taken a Mastery Test. And I live in New York, king emperor of standardized testing.
@ Zenith

THUMPS UP FOR NY (JK). School's getting on my nerves recently. Break is in a week and it feels like this week would never end.

Yeah, see, I'm pretty Asian smart, so I mostly get good grades. Once in awhile I blow off an assignment, but who cares, ya know? I get lots of them "A"s, 'cept in Biology, cuz I did that whole blowing off assignments thing. I've gotten a lot more relaxed about grades. Last year, I made a thread cuz I was so broken up over the "C" I got on a test. Earlier this year, I got a "F," and look! No thread. If you look at this post, you recognize I prolly should be failing English. But my English teacher is a cool guy. He's real into comics, and understands humor. I wrote this summary about Beowulf (bad book, jessayin'), typed just like this post, and he said it was funny and I got a "A." Yeah man. Public school. It's winning lots of awards.
^Haha, I tried writing really casually for an asignment and my English teacher said "I expected more from you..."
So yeah, that failed for me. But I still got a B...
Just got midterms, and I have straight A's except for 1 B. And I got Friday off because of parent-teacher conferences :D
Wow, my final grade in this 6 weeks for Human Geo AP is a 99. I'm so excited because it's a 5.0 GPA class. I dint want to be mean or anything, but my teacher for that class... Very big. Thankfully he isn't the most attentive when it comes to grading to completion is worth rather more.
I am writing soooo many essays for TJ. Its hard work. I made it past the first cut. But now its discouraging because of all the work. But i hope i get in any way.

I got all really high A's in my grades, except for a B in health and Gym because i didn't do my activity log. Grrrr. I dont like my gym teacher.

But we did karate a few days ago in gym so that was fun. :p
Everyone seems to be working on Armageddon but my legion at school.

Armageddon is the last two days before spring break where we do nothing but competitions for the Armageddon sword.

My legion doesn't seem to care anymore because we won the first year.

I can't wait though just to get a break from real school.