The Student Lounge Thread

Not too lucky. Snow once a year, and that isn't lucky here. It's pretty regular. It's lucky from your point of view, but it's the norm for us.

Oh yeah. And I just got my Maths MidYIS Test back. Got a spiffing 94%, so I'm pleased with that.
I didn't mind the uniforms at my school, and we weren't supposed to have ipods or phones ether but we brought them any way lol. I would not want to have a white Christmas. My thoughts are, snow is good to visit not to live in. I don't want to move anywhere above the frost line or where it gets below 70F at night. Born and raised in the South FL.
At my school, they are deciding to have uniforms for next year and that's when i'm in 8th grade, uniforms don't look too great. :(
^Tell me about it, we have to wear a uniform everyday and in the middle two parts of the year, we have to wear blazers, ties and long sleeve shirts, long pants and Jumpers are optional. During the start and the end of year parts we just wear short pants, short sleeve shirts, jumpers optional and we can untuck our shirts. Uniforms are annoying. But it's still a good school, i can't wait for some classes next year like Italian, drama and creative writing.
People wearing jumpers at school? I wonder who decides that...

Anyways, i'm having a bit of trouble on my new pre-algebra lesson and I have my T.A class which I like since I get to play games on the computer every time. :)
At my school, it's basically a pretty flexible dress code, but at the same time there are pretty strange dress code rules. You could be walking to your next class in sweat pants and a hoodie, but all heck would break loose if you're caught with a dime sized hole in your pants.
Wow, dress codes sound so strict all of a sudden. X)

I was supposed to be on a plane to Alaska right now, but due to weather, that got canceled. Me, clearly not thinking, decided to stay up all night. I completly forgot I had classes today, and I am sooooooo tired. The next part of my day is going to suck :<
Last day of school (until Christmas break is over) was today! Got out early, too.
We had a Talent Show that took up most of the day, with a great student rock band that preformed.
Well, I took my finals for the semester yesterday and the day before that. I passed all my classes with A's or B's without studying. I am like a megasponge, absorbing all knowledge. I just hate my English and Geometry class though. They rely on spacial thinking without a set process. I HATE THAT!!!
Wow- @Joeypals I don't even start finals until January 20th D:
Also, WINTER BREAK FOR ME. WOOT. I'm so pumped for Christmas next Saturday!
Finals are around the 10th for me.

I had a 2-hour delay :D

Winter breaks starts Thursday.
I only have a week break. Really stinks that I have to wait until Friday until I get my week off. At least Thursday is a half day.
Wow... a month?!?!?!?
My break starts Thursday; Wed.'s a half-day and I'm only going to have one class because of an assembly and something afterward...
I'm sure many posts will be saying this: got off yesterday, get back the 3rd. I talked with one of the few people I knew IRL whose in college and he told me that he's been off for about a month.
You guys are so lucky. Maybe we'll get a snow day some time this week. A month break Void though? A month? Thats just amazing.