The Student Lounge Thread

@CrystalTheUmbreon - That's happened to a lot of people I know. It blows over in no time, trust me. You shouldn't feel bad; be proud of yourself to have the courage to ask somebody out, publicly. Not a lot of people can do that.
Anyways, I get the rest of the week off for ice Muk-ing (pun intended) up the roads!
*Gets up and does the Rick Roll Dance*
Motivational stuff there. I could have used that a few years back too. But it's worse if someone spreads rumours.

Nice stuff. We just messed around today, as it was the last day of term. Find coffee spilt all over my books though, which is irritating.
You guys are lucky you get even some snow on Christmas!
Here in Australia it's pretty hot considering it's Summer and all so we just have BBQs and go swimming most of the time. I really want to experience a snowy christmas for once And I've only seen snow once but half of it was fake.
Nuh-uh, you won't like it. I have only experienced two "white" Christmas', but I hated both. Snow is awful I only like it for sledding, and I don't even need snow to that nowadays.
GAH. Stress stress stress stress stress.
My Honors Phys Sci/Chem teacher messed me up by throwing material my class hasn't even learned yet into his EVER-SO-HELPFUL(/sarcasm) review sheet. Looks like I'll be relying on the book to help me ace this test.

The principal for the 9th and 10th grades came into the cafeteria (where my 3rd period study hall is held) and announced that iPods are no longer allowed in Study Hall or Art classes, and will be taken away from today on. I find this extremely ludicrous, as many students agree that listening to their iPod while studying helps them concentrate and think harder. I know this applies to me. I decided that a few of my friends and I will write a persuasive paper on why it is unnecessary to ban iPods from the school campus, and hopefully we can get a collective +200 signatures from the student body.

Ugh, so two tests tomorrow, and then a hopefully stress-free last day of school before winter break. BRB, 4 HOURS OF HOMEWORK.
...What is wrong with you, Aggiegywn?
Snow is great; you get off school, make Snowmen, have snowball fights, sled at dangerous speeds, and it gives you an excuse to drink Hot Cocoa. It's absolutely beautiful, too. I wish I could remember my first White Christmas; there would be nothing else like it.
I hope everybody gets some Snow days off this year, as I know I sure needed them.
You're are lucky you get snow. Also Sinnoh trainer at least your school doesn't have a rule where it says that you can't bring your Ipod in school grounds at ALL. If we get caught with our phones they take it off us and we have a stupid dress code. I hate wearing a blazer in the middle months. Anyway, at least the subjects are good, can't wait to do Creative writing next year.
Snow is great from my perspective. Snowball fights are really fun. Around here we usually have ice fights. Yes I know, dangerous. But anyway, sledding is probubly the best thing about winter. Trust me. I hit 30mph on my hill. Sure we get extra days of school, but usually they're fun and easy days. Nothing that are to big to worry about.
@Sinnoh Trainer

That sucks about the iPods. This is one of the reasons that I like going to a school that gives everyone laptops, we just listen to music and there is nothing they can do to stop us. I personally agree with you, music makes me study better, I can't stand silence. Whenever I am doing homework you can hear music on my computer.

Today I did my first two finals. English and History, I know I got a 96 on my History but I don't know for English but it was really easy. I also had Latin today, but I didn't have to take the final so I sat outside and played some weird farming monopoly game with some friends.

Tomorrow is really easy, I start the day with Geometry, which I excel in. I currently have a 96 in that class and am the best student in the class. The district also makes th final so it's like a really dumbed down version of what we learned. Then I have choir, but I assume that we will just be watching Star Wars like we have been doing all week, which is nice and relaxing.
well I think you guys haven't lived till you experience an Aussie Christmas!
Just as I wouldn't have lived with out experiencing a 'white christmas.'
I think that there is no better way in my opinion to spend christmas than with mates and family having a BBQ, playing some beach cricket or touch footy and just having a blast. And of course this year I get to go tubing and water skiing. Oh and of course with a temperature at like 29 degrees Celsius

How would you Americans think of that for a Christmas?

Anyway based on school I got my end of year results.

At my school there are 4 sections in what you get marked on in the report card-Achievement,Effort,Behaviour,Homework.

In total this term I got 15 A's and 11 B's. But 8 of those B's don't matter because I got straight B's in woodwork woop di doo a useless subject and straight B's in HPE. So yeah disappointed about a B in science achievement though
It's still rare for a 'White Christmas' here in England. Althroughout my 17 years on planet Earth, I've not witnessed one.
Snow day=school let out 2 hours early. Awesommeeee.
White Christmases are the best, just because... uhmm... yeah, just because :p
Here, snow day=Entire day off :p

Anyways, have my last Algebra test tomorrow, and apparently, Monday is some carrer day thing, so I only have hours 6-8 :D
WOOT. One more day before break.
My Chemical Bonding test was a success, but my Imperialism test? Not so much. Hopefully I got at least a B on that.
My teacher got mad at me for YAWNING. She said I was "purposely trying to disrupt the class" YAWNING. She later said that it would be a good idea for me to take notes on the powerpoint she was showing us. I responded by saying "yes it would be a good idea". I wasn't trying to mock her, I was agreeing with her, and she sent me out to the hallway....I think it's her time of the month.
@Shadow Arceus: Yeah, that's happened to me before. It's quite annoying, when teachers jump to conclusions. I was actually sent out of the hallway for yawning during class. How ludicrous.
I may have a snow day tomorrow. If I lived 10 miles south from here, I would of had no school today.
Luckyyyy. I'm probably not getting any snow tonight, so I'll have to go to school tomorrow... probably no 2-hour delay even. Darn.