The Student Lounge Thread

Two snow days in a row! Today and Tomorrow! *Awesome Face*
Good luck with Testing (or something similar) everybody.
I got 100% on my math test :D Our regular teacher is finally back from having a baby. The sub was a good teacher, but he had a realllly nasally voice that so difficult to understand.

Also, on my exam today, we had an extra credit question that looked like this. Please point out if I did this wrong guys >.<:

Potassium Sulphate + Calcium Phosphate -------> ? + ? Identify reaction type, and balance.

So first, I wrote the formula for the ionic compounds:

K2S + Ca3P2 -------> ? + ?

Being a double replacement chemical reaction, I switched the metals on both sides, and wrote the formulas:

K2S + Ca3P2 ------> K3P + CaS

So then we have this to balance:

Ca 3 <> Ca 1
P 2 <> P 1
K 2 <> K 3
S 1 <> S 1

So then to balance Calcium, I add 2 CaS atoms to the product, and get:

Ca 3 Ca 3
P 2 P 1
K 2 K 3
S 1 S 3

Now to balance Phosphorus, adding a K3P atom to the product side:

Ca 3 Ca 3
P 2 P 2
K 2 K 6
S 1 S 3

Finishing it up, I add two more K2S atoms to the reactant side.

Ca 3 Ca 3
P 2 P 2
K 6 K 6
S 3 S 3

With that done, I get my final answer: 3K2S + Ca3P2 ------> 2K3P + 3CaS
I totaled them up on each side.

K 6 K 6
S 3 S 2
Ca 3 Ca 2
P 2 P 2

Something isn't right there. :p

dmaster out.
Fixed it >.< Luckily I didn't make that mistake on the test. And lol, so when we walked into Dr. Sing's class this morning, he has this paragraph on the board. It was something like this:

"Welcome class. Today is December 13th, and you have a test over unit 5. All of you will most likely fail your midterm, so hopefully this test will help you maintain a decent grade. Due to the shortened period, most of you will not finish. Best of luck, and please hesitate to ask questions. I will not answer them"

Motivational much? :p
That is funny and yet weird. My day was L-O-N-G because we had to take a test and nothing but the test, so if we fell asleep we were given a demerit and TBH I had trouble staying awake, and all I thought about SLEEP.
I wish we had a snow day here. I have music tommorow and I dont know anything for it because I havent practised and I dont know where my partner left our instrument..
Well, I've had a lovely snow day today. This blizzard is still raging, so I'm hoping for one tomorrow. If I do end up getting a second snow day, I'll have my Chem test pushed back until Friday and my Imperialism test pushed back until after break.
Yes, another snowday!! And I'm supposed to get 10 inches tonight, so snow day tomorrow?!? Today though, I used up my last snowday. So if I have one tomorrow though, I will have used up all of my snowdays and go to school in June. D: Btw Sinnoh, are you in the snow belt or no? (do to have to answer if you don't want to reveal it)

Btw, I understood none of that chemistry stuff, but I hope to Someday because I want to be a chemical engineer or something related to that.
Brilliantly said.
We honestly didn't get that much snow, but it was enough to screw the roads up. It'll be good to relax, but I also don't get time to boost my grades with testing and such. Ah well.
^^Lol. Where I live, when we get half an inch or an inch of snow, we say, 'Why in the world didn't it snow?!?'. No offense or anything. I just think it's funny when non snowy places barely get any snow and say it snowed really hard or barely at all. Like this one part of the USA. I heard that when the weather may predict snow, even a quarter of an inch, all the shovels at hardware stores sell out and schools close sometimes before it snows. Not sure if it is true, but I heard it from somewhere.
@JacobeTheElf: It's because those cities/regions don't need to be prepared for regular winter weather. They don't have snow plow trucks constantly on the clock, or proper winter clothing, so because they aren't properly prepared for the weather, they close school because even a little snow/ice without snow plows and/or salt for the roads could call for dangerous driving conditions.

On-topic: Looks like school tomorrow is questionable for me as well, with this blizzard still raging. To be safe, I'm going to read more of Catcher in the Rye and study a bit more for my chem test.
We didn't get any snow yet. I hope we get a Blizzard really soon so there's snow for Christmas and we get a day off. We live up in the east so we should be getting a bit of snow by now. Maybe it will come soon just in time for vacation.
No snow down in the South FL, but that doesn't matter, no school tell the 10th. my week has been comprised of sleep, eat, pokemon, and friends.
I got off today and tomorrow because of the snow. It's because the lake effect snow.
Lake-effect snow is produced in cooler atmospheric conditions when cold winds move across long expanses of warmer lake water, providing energy and picking up water vapor which freezes and is deposited on the leeward shores.

This uplifting can produce narrow but very intense bands of precipitation, which deposit at a rate of many inches of snow each hour, often resulting in copious snowfall totals. The areas affected by lake-effect snow are called snowbelts. This effect occurs in many locations throughout the world but is best known in the populated areas of the Great Lakes of North America, and especially Western New York, northwestern Pennsylvania, northeastern Ohio, southwestern and central Ontario, northwestern and northcentral Indiana (mostly between Gary, IN and Elkhart, IN), western Michigan and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, which can average over 200 inches (5 meters) of snow per year and averages the most snow of any non-mountainous location within the continental U.S.

from Wikipedia