The Student Lounge Thread

^Thats... odd...

Today on the bus ride people were throwing paper airplanes out of the bus at cars. It was actually pretty entertaining to watch.

It started snowing at around 10:30 in school today, which was pretty cool. It didn't really end until 12:15, so I didn't get the day cut short at all. Plus, there wasn't enough snow on the ground.

Fights at my school? Hmm... we don't have many. One of the bigger fights I do know of was towards the end of the last school year. These two kids got into a fight, and I heard that it was a fight that was hard to stop. Yeah, pretty big. What sucked even more is that the guy who started the fight got a suspension that also took away two days of the final exams. Yeah.
Ooh fights. I think all of the fights this year have come from the ninth grade campus and all came from my Junior High.(yes, my town has four Junior Highs and a serperate Ninth Grade Center. For those of you wondering, Junior High is 7-8th grade) I hate it when the one fat girl on the bus decides to sit in my seat and leave me no room. Sepaking of buses and fights, I got to see a catfight right in front of my bus the second month of school, fun stuff,
There are fights at my school sometimes. But not so much, there was one over money or something a few weeks ago. My current grades in school are as follows...

P.E: 96.8%
Honors U.S. History: 98.3%
Honors English: 98.7%
A.P. Physics: 87% (Its hard for a 13 year old)
A.P. Physics: 87% (I have it for 2 periods.)
Algebra 1: 95%
Fights at my school are great. Nobody's ever actually hurt, which is hilarious. When somebody is about to fight, students gather around, and the hallway gets real quiet. It's like watching a Gladiator fight.
When people in my school get in fights, it is intense. Usually, the fights are very uneven and one of the kids usually gets hurt pretty bad. Like the fight last Friday, the one kid was KOed and his face was covered in blood. The lockers, floor, everything was covered in this kids blood. That's how fights are at my school.

Next week, I have to bring in something for Spanish 1. It can be any item, as long as it is something you don't normally have at school. I have a couple ideas, but other people are bringing some of the same stuff. I would like to be original, so what is something I can bring in?
How about, a grand piano? or a sewing machine?

Also, today in study hall, a kid wouldn't sit down unless the teacher told her to "Sit down please." Of course the teacher didn't ever say it and she got written up for the office.
Rarely fights at my School. It snowed yesterday during my 3rd Period. During Lunch almost everybody went outside to have a snowball fight with the 1in. of snow. Then an evil lady who thinks shes a teacher made us all go of the area where the snow was sticking. A good think about my school is that they let us go outside halfway through lunch to play sports.

My Grades are.
1st SS: A 93.9%
2nd Yearbook: (this is where I play computer games and do SS homework) A 92.5%
3rd Algebra: B 89.3, if I could only gain .2%, I'd have an A :(
4th English: A 94.1. Last Quarter I got a B. My moms very happy about this.
5th PE: A+, 100% how can't you pass this?
6th Science: 96.2%
7th Chorus: 92%. My evil Chorus teacher makes us reveiw performances, in paragraph form :(
I spent all of yesterday typing on the computer. Lol my teacher thinks im really fast at typing so she picked me to type out letters for the little kids from Santa.
You're Santa? Thats great! I can has cheezburgur Umbreon UDs fur cristmas?

At least I didn't have any homework over the weekend. Do any of you guys normally have weekend homework?
Lols I only have one Umbreon UD. :p

But yes my class usually gets homework over the weekend.

We have one teacher for Geography,Math,Religion, and we have 5 other teachers for music,Physed/Health,Art,Science and History.
I have a Book Report, Paragraph, Math HW, etc. due Monday, and I'm only a 7th Grader.
I do most of mine during "MAP" (our free period) and on my 20min Bus Ride. But you need a textbook for this homework :/.

I got an A+ on my English Formative :D
Posted by omahanime - Today 01:46 AM
A question for the college students. Do you rent your books?

I will be renting books that I have no interest in keeping. I am a history major so I try to keep almost all my history books. I sold almost 2 1/2 years worth of books Monday, felt great getting money for more books lol.

As for my school, I hate that statistics is a mandatory course. But other then that I like college. Pick my own classes, times, and if I go to class(which is 97% of the time).

If you are looking at college's and are in FL look at Florida Gulf Coast. Its a great university. If you want to know more PM me.

The only thing I wish was that I was done with college and out getting paid some good money.
glaceon said:
I have a Book Report, Paragraph, Math HW, etc. due Monday, and I'm only a 7th Grader.
That isn't that much. You'll get used to it after this year.
At my school, on the second week, someone got arrested for pulling a knife on someone right outside the main office (not the smartest move). My school's pretty ghetto.
Wow. Tough middle school. Or is it a high school?

Some kids at my school brought illegal drugs to my school, but they just got suspended. The got back about a month ago. Nobody likes them.
This kid in my band class keeps calling me "Chipmunk" and makes this derpy chipmunk face, it's kind of funny but annoying.

Also, I aced a pre-algebra test on proportions. :)
@Glaceon, on the subject of illegal drugs, you'd be very surprised to know how many kids at my school are on pot.