The Student Lounge Thread


When the kids got unsuspended, they had to sign a contract to get back in. I was hoping they were expelled though. I hated all 3 of them.
Ya kids on drugs was kinda a normal at my school, even though I went to a rich catholic school. I knew people who were high on pot, coke, and oxy.
glaceon said:
Wow. Tough middle school. Or is it a high school?

Some kids at my school brought illegal drugs to my school, but they just got suspended. The got back about a month ago. Nobody likes them.
It's a high school.
It's unbelievable how many people at my school are on marijuana. Some just come to school completely stoned, but none of the teachers even notice even though it's completely obvious. I think someone got arrested a couple weeks back for dealing drugs at the nearby 7-11, but I'm not completely sure.
Tons of my people smoke weed at my school. It's kind of funny watching people run around high. But for some reason, it reminds
me of last year when two girls were smoking weed in the bathroom during school. When they got caught, to cover it up they said that they were just trying to burn the school. (which probably could have got them into more trouble). I can't believe my school let them in again after their suspensions.
Yeah, on the subject of drugs at school, I've been horrified by the number of kids and students that have turned to drugs such as marijuana. It kills me inside to see someone I used to know resort to something as foolish as that.
No one at my school takes drugs (to my knowledge), though my PE teacher thinks my friend Gabe is.

One of my friends who used to be on this forum (He got banned for a very famous feat) was talking to me on chat a while ago talking about he had been buying marijuana, spending like $50 and he had just started.
I helped start a recycle program at my school. Our club now gets money for maintaining it plus we get community service hours every week :D

I'm thinking about founding an investing club and holding a school-wide virtual stock exchange competition.
Wow, talk about a fast weekend. For me, this is my final week of school. Then, it's winter break until January 4th. I'm so excited for break & the Holidays! I'm finally going to have a good amount of time to write. Ah well, onto my copy of Catcher in the Rye and memorizing polyatomic compounds of the periodic table xP
My school ends the 23rd. Weekend went by way too fast. Now i have tests to study for. God i hate being an honors student.
I got a half day on 23rd and then I get a week and a half off. Pretty dang good.
I'm have to leave on the 15th to visit my grandmother in Anchorage, Alaska. I'm going to miss five days of classes, which sucks. Jusssssstttt wonderful :|

And about the Weed discussion:

I'm actually not surprised. Kids go through lots of puberty and peer pressure in their teen years. I'm happy I never did, tried, or do Weed :)
Break starts for me at the end of the week, and for once I don't want to have break. I actually love school now (mostly because of friends and doing basically nothing) and don't want school to end, even for two weeks. The only thing I don't like about school is waking up early or having to go to bed early. After Christmas break, the quarter ends in 3 weeks which I'm actually not looking forward to. In my classes, the seating arrangements change every quarter, and I sit next to most of my friends every mod (or period; whatever my school calls it now). And I can gurantee I won't sit next to them again. Not only that, but I will have mid-terms in all of my honors classes. D:
One of my best friends from school left to Cuba until the end of Christmas break. :S

I have break this friday :)
Well, it's the end of term. Me and my brother just got grades and I can almost guarantee he'll post them at some point. :) and mine are private.
Thank you brother.

Yes, children, look at it and weep. 7 A*'s. All A's or A*'s in the academic subjects (the ones that actually matter). Beautiful.
@ #2Weavile, I did the Stock Market Game for school. It's pretty much buying and selling stock from the real stock market, but it's not real money. I know my state did, but I think other states do it, too. You should look into that if you're starting a club.
12 days 'till Christmas guys ;). About a week and a half before my break too. 4 more days in the school week at least =/.
Only 7 more days of school for me... but TBH, I'm probably more excited for Cities this weekend than for Christmas...