The Student Lounge Thread

No snow in Australia but my school year has been over for 2 weeks!! Now 6 weeks left till the new school year starts
omahanime is quite correct. Mudkip and I are both from Ohio, so we get pretty large amounts of snow. Today is what I'd like to call round two of our Snow Day. This is quite fantastic, I only have a three day week and then two and a half weeks of winter break!
We got a snow flurry but thats it. We barely got anything because it later melted. Maybe we'll get a snow storm soon. Maybe just in time for Christmas.
Curse my New York environment. I want at least snow that will stick to the ground. I'll take at least some sticky snow. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR.
Today I set my teacher's timer for ten minutes and hid it. She spent about five minutes looking for it.
@Shadow Arceus: LOL that's always a classic. I've done that to my science teacher's timer. You've gotta be careful with the teacher you do it to because most often, the more strict teachers won't see it as a joke :x best friend learned that the hard way xD
'Nother snowday today. Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of snowdays and snow in general. It's pretty cold with the windchill, so my mom wouldn't let me out today or yesterday. My school shouldn't even had had one today. Yay, extra school in June for me already! *sarcasm*
Well, some of you know I come from the land down under, i finished Year 10, a couple of weeks ago, and i have my time table next year,

I will be doing (By the way mines a catholic school *Eyeroll*)

Maths (Compulsory)
Religion (Compulsory)
Italian ( About 6 people in our class next year)
English Pathways(Creative writing) Because i want to be an Actor/Director/Writer
I couldn't get into Psychology or Biology, so I'm doing Ancient history, Modern history and this Computing class

Oh yeah and Drama class. :)
@JTE: my school ALREADY goes into late June, before any snow days. Besides, snow days are great. And it's only switching the day you have school; getting a free day is always fun. It's not like you're losing anything, and also, you get snow, which is always great.
We have a rule of a maximum of like 5 snow days we add on days to the end of school. Then we take away days from vacation. Yeah it sucks.
^Same here.

Last year we got almost 10 snow days but my school didn't want to spend the money to extend school so we didn't get extra school.
Yeah, we had 5 last year too but the stupid state decided to make ALL of Ohio only three snowdays, even though Northeastern Ohio gets pounded by snow every year.

^^^I normally do like snowdays, but as said before, I really like school now. Also, I have to babysit my neighbors and it sucks. It used to be fun, but now it is just annoying and very tiring. So my whole snowdays are filled with me babysitting my overly-hyper neighbors who are one day going to kill me. At least the snow stopped so school tomorrow!
Posted by Playerking95 - Yesterday 07:12 PM
Well, some of you know I come from the land down under, i finished Year 10, a couple of weeks ago, and i have my time table next year,

I will be doing (By the way mines a catholic school *Eyeroll*)

Maths (Compulsory)
Religion (Compulsory)
Italian ( About 6 people in our class next year)
English Pathways(Creative writing) Because i want to be an Actor/Director/Writer
I couldn't get into Psychology or Biology, so I'm doing Ancient history, Modern history and this Computing class

Oh yeah and Drama class. Smile

Why the eye roll at catholic school?
I don't get snow days, living in central Arizona, so it haven't snowed here since I like 1994 or something where is snowed for like 5 minutes. I'm kind of glad we don't since I would never want to add days into summer.

Tomorrow I start finals for the first semester. I got my Latin 2 grade up to a 97 today so now I do not have to take the final tomorrow, so I will be studying during the whole time which will be good for my other finals. I am not worried about any of my other ones though, as the district makes them. I am kind of worried about English though because the teacher hasn't taught us anything all year, and he gave us nothing to study so I'll have to wing it, but that won't be too hard.
You guys are lucky you get even some snow on Christmas!
Here in Australia it's pretty hot considering it's Summer and all so we just have BBQs and go swimming most of the time. I really want to experience a snowy christmas for once :p And I've only seen snow once but half of it was fake.
I did the eyeroll because I'm not that religious and at my school, we usually have these assemblies out in the middle of the school (The quad). And we have to bring our own chairs out and we sit there for like an hour and a half. And because religion is compulsory, i would rather do another subject instead of Religion. Plus it's a subject that i don't greatly need, even though it's easy as pie.
I feel horrible today!:( I tried to ask a guy that I had a very big crush on out, but he rejected me because he already has a girlfriend and now everyone else is picking on me for having a crush on him in the first place! =( I feel very heartbroken now.
@ST17, The best part was she believed me when I suggested that it was the class before mine, AND the VP was in the room.
I wish it would snow again like last year. Last year was the first time I've seen real snow in my hometown. It was full on snow, not a few sprinkles like I've seen every few years. Supposedly it won't snow again this year because we're in a "la nina" year so it's hotter or something like that, which i can see because it's not even 60 right now in Texas.