The Student Lounge Thread

@JacobeTheElf: Yeah, I found this law unnecessary solely for the simple reason that we live in OHIO. We're already pushing our first snow day tomorrow. Which...could be bad for me. I have an Italian 2 Honors project due Friday and I didn't bring my materials home for finishing touches :X

@TheDarkLucario: I know I've already spoken to you about this, but that is truly amazing. I'd love to get into the world of business and culinary arts once I'm out of high school. Tough world, out there. I wish the best of luck to you!
I have a 73% in Pre-Calculus, which translates to a D. :O

The funny thing is, I understand all of the stuff, it's just that I'm too lazy to do the homework.

First person to guess how many assignments I have gets a metaphoric pat on the back!
You're taking Pre-cal as well? It's a small world we live in.
I actually do quite well in that particular class; I have the best grade in that class out of all my other classes. Especially English 3. Eww. But that's the price you pay for Mathematical genius, lol.
And good luck to you, Dark Lucario! Have a good one, mate!
^^24? That's the same problem I have. I have a 89% (which is a very high B at my school; 1% more and I have an A) just because I don't do homework. 100 point test? Nailed it! 105% or better; 10% higher than everyone else in the class (seriously). 50 point quiz? Awesome! 52/50. Projects? My teacher doesn't believe in 'em. Homework? Well...let's just say I've turned in 4/32 this quarter. This is why I don't do homework:

A: It's a waste of my time. I have to spend 7 hours everyday of my life at school (which I don't mind too much because I want to get a good education to excell in life). And if that isn't enough, I have 3 hours of homework to do on top of that. It's not like I don't have a life or anything. Not like I have friends or play sports. But then again I must have no life if I'm here on a Pokemon forum. :p

B:Homework is just for practice, right? Just to make sure you understand it, practice it, etc.? But if I already know it and do well on the tests (where it really counts), then why the Magikarp do I have to do it? You tell me.

C: Finally, I'm an American for Kokomori's sake! I'm so lazy that...

{Too lazy to finish post}
(could go in the bully thread) I don't get some people at schools. They are so critisizive and make fun of people for eveything. Today at school, a couple of the 'cool kids' made fun of me for wearing a winter jacket. I mean, my bad for trying to stay warm and not get sick. And it's not like it was around 28 degrees today. But whatever. It didn't really affect me too much, just kind of put a damper on my day.
Neat lil' thread I haven't seen till just now. Basically, I haven't done anything in any of my classes for about 7 weeks. It's really a mixture of not getting anything assigned and not really attempting to do the homework. With that being said, I still find it funny that my grades are still as good as they have been:
US History ~ A-
Student Service ~ A+
Sociology ~ A+
English 11 ~ B
AlgebraII/Trig ~ B+
Spanish ~ B+

3.5, I can live with. :b
Eh, I've been having very little work in school too. I usually have only one or two homework assignments a night. Whenever I have more, I usually do them in my Photography class (my Photography teacher lets us do our homework while we're waiting for our group to finish taking pictures). So I usually have about 20 minutes of homework a day, and sometimes even less. Today I got so much done in school, it only took me five minutes :/

Geometry: A-
English: A-
Photography: A+
History: A-
PE: A+ (how can you fail PE?)
Spanish: A
Science: A

Yeah, straight A's. Just waiting to see how long I can maintain it.
Nice grades people. Keep it up.

^you can fail gym by not showing up. That and using the dodgeballs and beating up the teacher with it. Amazingly, I've seen both happen.

I'm just curious, do your schools have major fights breaking out? I'm guessing you probably do, but I am just curious to hear what other people have to say.
Mine dosen't really have any fights.

Anyway, I had a L.A test today and i'm really scared to see what I get. L.A is always one of my problums. I think I got maybe an 80ish grade as I may have gotton 2-3 wrong on a 15 question quiz.
^It'll click for you soon. I used to have no clue about language arts, too, but then all of a sudden I understood it and it made some sense. Just hang in there. ;)
My school has never had a fight, ever, so I don't have any experience seeing fights or anything like that.

My grades right now are:

English: B 87
Geometry: A 95.3
Choir: A 96.8
Latin 2: A 94
Social Studies: A 93.8
PE: A 97.4
Science: B 85.4
My school doesn't have fights (at least that I know of.) Our district is really strict on that kind of stuff.

Anyways, I was talking to my friend while walking outside for a fire drill and hit my forehead on a pole. Whoops :p

And I also have straight A's
wow I can't keep my A's

AP Calc BC - B
AP Eng Comp - B
AP US Hist - B
Computer tech 3 - A
Physics Hon - B
Spanish 3 - B
TV productions 3 - A

Too many pointless classes
Lucky to everybody who gets a snow day. My school gets out at 1:10 next week except tuesday. I'LL BE AT PARTY TILL THREE
My math teacher is annoyed with me because I never do my homework >_>. The thing is, it doesn't count towards our grade unless it's "graded homework" and even then you have to have all your graded homework in and one of your test grades will be raised. But you can retake the tests, which is quicker than doing homework every night so it's not really worth it. Proficiency based grading is both really easy, and kind of annoying.
It's funny, my school just had a fight yesterday. It was the first actual fist fight in a longggg time. The last was a stabbing. HAH ANYWAYS.
I 'spose I'll post my grades as well, which is funny because I was actually curious about the classes everyone else is taking & their grades :3

Italian 2 Honors: 98.1% A
Honors Physics & Chem: 92.3% A-
Lit/Comp Honors: 90.3% A-
Art Foundations: 94.8% A (I hate this class, it's basically a requirement to take this class before any others :/)
U.S. History Honors: 91% A-
Mathematics 2 Honors: 80.6% B- <--- This is KILLING me.

My GPA right now: 4.35. Definitely not bad, I just wish I could get those A-'s and B-'s up >:/
Ironic, we had four fights at school today. I didn't see any of them or hear about them until the last Period, but there you go.

dmaster out.
I almost yelled at a boy who decided instead of simply asking if he could sit beside me on the bus, he deicided to SIT ON MY LEGS try to push me out of my own seat!

The nerve of that child!