The Student Lounge Thread

I'm so glad that this week is only a four day week, I really need this last three day weekend of the year before finals and Festivus (Our 8th grade promotion) come knocking on the door.
I was talking with some friends yesterday, and they said that they had Spring Break 2 months ago. Wow (but the go to a private school).
Today was great.

During lunch we had the song Friday blasting on the speakers in my Social Studies teacher and this one kid freaked out and ran outside. And then as everyone was walking in later we had it on and no one would go inside, they'd here the music jump outside and slam the door closed.
My parents just got an email from my school principal who wanted to inform us that someone from school last year, died. He is the older brother to someone in my year. R.I.P.
That's terrible. @Playerking

Today the seniors (Our first graduating class) was abuzz with college stuff. This one girl was so excited about getting into Duke and how beautiful North Carolina was. Many other seniors were talking about their full ride scholarships, and some students who said that they turned them down.

Social Studies was fun today because we were celebrating communism and were listening to the Soviet National Anthem.

Today after 8th hour they called a whole bunch of people to the office about the school awards next week (I am getting one). I got one last year for being a Golden Scholar (One B and the rest A's in the first 3 quarters), but I got 3 B's this year so I have no idea what award I am getting this year.
@ antler the hunter : An 8th grader did that to me once. I punched him so hard in the stomach he practically started throwing up. I'm pretty violent when I get angry so sometimes it can really get on peoples nerves.

I'm still on break as of this week. I don't look foward to going back either. =/
Well I'm on break right now but when I get back 4 other people and I will get our detentions for something I (and the girl) didn't do! Yay! But it will be so fun since two of the people are absolutely hilarious, one is my friend, and the other is a girl I really like. So I'm actually looking forward to it.
Yeah it is terrible, I hope the family is okay, they had a special service for him now at school following the special good friday mass. I just hope his family is doing okay and I've only seen the guy a couple of times at school and I have heard from my friends that he is a really, really smart and funny guy. He will be missed.
I've noticed the teacher plays a HUGE difference in if you hate a class or not. I used to love science, got a bad teacher this year, and now I HATE it. Honestly hate it.
Today we bought a Soviet Flag to put up in my History teacher's classroom. He wants to get a picture of Kim Jong Ill to put on the wall next to it.
The tenth graders have standardized testing all day a couple days this week, but we aren't allowed to skip school. It's not bad, we are allowed to bring iPods and stuff to the classroom.
We have our talent show coming up, I might watch for the amusement factor. No one talented ever shows up, and those who do...

<Insert epic fail>