The Student Lounge Thread

we have taks test all week so we dont have to go to school till 12:30, thats if ur not taking one and we dont really do anything in class, so its been a good week :D but taking the algebra taks thursday :( oh well its going to be easy!
Reading Midsummer Nights Dream for English. Interesting book, but sorta unusual.
All day, every single teacher avoided the topic of Bin Laden's death. Except for one

My psycotic S.S Teacher. She wants to stomp on his brain....
The teachers at my school didn't mention ANYTHING about Osama Bin Laden's death. Actually, in Geography (a.k.a. Social Studies), we never talk about current events in America. I heard from like five different kids though that Bin Laden was dead, and I'm like "Osama Bin Laden? The terrorist? He's dead?" It took me a while to remember who the guy was, I'm really slow.

Anyway, I have my Geography state test tomorrow, wish me luck!
Well, day 1 of my Ohio State Testing is over, Today was English/Reading, tomorrow Math, and Wednesday will be Science.
Oh, I have my NY State English test tommorow and Wednesday, although Im not coming on Wednesday, so I get a makeup!

Then the NY State Math is next Wednesday and Thursday.
Our history teacher spent a whole hour discussing the death of Bin Laden and we watched a video about it a some pics. He did the same thing with Obama's birth certificate.
My history teacher spent the day learning about the life of bin Laden. We learned about him killing them Soviets before he was a terrorist. Then he gave us some questions about it D:
I just found out yesterday that the person I talked about died from jumping off of a building, I don't know anything else besides that. My prayers still go out to the guy and his family.

On a lighter note, I got an Italian assignment, and I don't hate it for once. We're also starting to watch "My Sisters Keeper" in my creative writing class.
If there's anything that's making me excited for PE class now it's the fact that we're playing floor hockey.

I love that game, but today I pulled a muscle in my left leg during it and my right knee has been hurting randomly for three or four days. Joy. It hurts to sit and walk now.
Maybe if we were given time to stretch people wouldn't be dislocating knee caps like some guy did a month ago. Or spraining ankles. :/

Other than that, I got a perfect score on my math class quiz today. Yay. Made my day a bit more awesome.
I'm doing soccer for my elective in PE, and I did archery last year.
School is really boring right now considering we are really close to the end of school and school is going by really really, rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy ssssssssssssssllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy
I'm so depressed about my school. I don't know if I even want to be there anymore. The best math teacher in the school is leaving for some expensive private school. The Latin teacher who is also my homeroom teacher for my whole six years is leaving for a school that is really high advanced, and the best English teacher might leave for another school. These three teachers are so good, I'm so disappointed to not have them anymore, I hardly see the point in staying at it anymore, I kind of wish that I could go to the school that my Latin teacher is moving to (It sounds really good from what we've talked about it in my homeroom class with him)