The Student Lounge Thread

I will be joining in my Graduation Ceremony from College (technically, I graduated in August last year but our school has a strange year-wait for the actual ceremony).
We were just assigned a project that determines our grade for the year and I dont think I will be able to do it :(
I'm sick of sophomore year. I just want it to end.

AP World History final: May 12th
Huge Careers speech that everyone has to do in order to graduate: May 10th

first of all, I REALLY need to bring my AP book home and studystudystudy. All my other finals are in June, and this is the final I'm most worried about and really afraid that I'm going to fail it.

Anyway, exciting junior year schedule!!
Orchestra (always :D)
AP Psychology
Anatomy & Physiology
Health/Phys Ed
Algebra 2
English (well, duhhh....:p)
US History

US History and Algebra 2 are ones I'd rather not take, however I have to for graduation. :p but I'm really excited for psychology and anatomy&physiology! They will be my favorite classes!
My Huumanities class is so hilarious. We get to watch the new Romeo in Juliet, it's set in modern times, but the lines are exactly the same. It's epic.
Today we flipped coins to decide what are "babies" look like in Science.
Today was, Periodic Table day. Some kid in our class baked a cake that looked like the table, and it sure was delicious.
Going to be away for all of spring break... visiting colleges for my brother. Won't be able to see/talk to my girlfriend at all, but it'll be fun regardless. It sucks that I won't be able to go to regionals, though >_>
I finally get more than one day off for spring break! :D we now have 2 days off. Better than 1 :p too bad my boyfriend already had his spring break, so I probably won't be doing anything those 2 days anyway....except playing pokemon! :p

And I shadowed a veterinarian today for a school project. Guess who can't stand the sight of someone cutting an animal open for surgery? That's right, me. My mom says I'm my father's daughter since I got light-headed from that :(
I was JUST asked if I wanted to play my violin for the church on Sunday. I was like "I was just told this now, and I have two days to perfect a whole piece, plus I have a sweet sixteen to go to and my boyfriend is supposed to come over on Sunday? No, not possible." and then I was asked to play my violin for Easter, giving me over a week to practice. Should I go for it? I have horrible stage fright, but maybe if I do it and let my orchestra director know, she might give me a solo. I think she didn't give me one this year because she knows of my stage fright. Anyway, should I do it?
Friday. School dance tonight (Not one of the fancy things. Its were people hang out and there is a DJ playing pop music).
New Sevi day.

All the new Sevis meet their new legions. Our sevis were pretty quiet, but one of them is exactly like his brother who also goes to the school. My brother was one of them, and he ended up in the one of the worst legions of them all, while I am in one of the best.
Finished term 1 just yesterday, had to hand in 3 assignments on the last day and I had to do a Speech, I think I did pretty well, other people thought I was good too. And I had to do another assignment,1 day earlier as well. Oh well, it's all over now, until the two weeks are finished, then term 2.
I guess I just won't do it then since I'm being ignored? I don't know! >.< has anyone ever learned a piece perfectly in a week?
Violin is easy to me, because every string is basically a chromatic scale up, but I guess I'd have to look at the piece to see if I could do it. I think most church pieces are somewhat difficult, though. Just from what I've seen