The Student Lounge Thread

I have an Indian mom and I have 6 A's and one A- right now, I need to pass my certification test for Dreamweaver if I want the A for the quarter. My mom wont let me do anything if I dont have all A's. I really want to go to regionals, so time to study XD
Ah, I don't know how strict Indian parents are, but at my school, strictness is measured on a scale of :

1- to - Russian

Yeah, my life. I don't have a tutor, while everyone else in honors does, which is kinda weird, since im not like a genius or anything
Same with me, the tutor thing. They go to like special classes and I am just like No I can do it on my own
I've got one more day until we break up for Easter. Great. Currently no work to do but REVISION. I'm practically clawing my eyes out, I'm so bored of it.
I have to take after school programs to prepare for the SHSAT though, which is like an hour and a half 2 times a week. I hate it, but I know I need it to get into Staten Island Technical High School, which is my #2 high school i want to go to.

Laguardia, which is an Arts school, is my #1 school, but out of the 9000 that auditioned last year, they took 600, so its crazy hard to get in. But I think I can, considering I have like a 99 in Acting, private acting class, and real acting experience.
Im just trying to get into a good medical college and for that im interning at some universities that take up lots of my weekends and holidays, but it would look great on my resume
Ah, well im in 7th grade, so thats far away. I still have absolutely no idea what I want to do for a proffesion. Im thinking writing code for video games, but then again, every kid says they want to make video games until they :

A. Realize its 10 times harder than it seems
B. Find something they're better at
I know what you mean, Im in 9th and Im helping a friend make programs for the droid, hes making a company and Im helping him program his site and stuff
Yeah, thats a good way to get into the field. I help my mom with her site and basic stuff people not born in this generation had to learn, whereas we know it like the backs of our hands. High School must be crazy, so much stress...
Depends on your teachers. I have 3 chill teachers that make my life easy, but the others are all hard to get like my bio teacher that always looses homework and that always pulls peoples grades down
Cool. I had Italian for 6th grade, then my teacher retired, so im in my first year of Spanish, although its taught as Year 2 Spanish, which is really annoying, since Spanish and Italian are so similiar, i mix them up so often. For High School, if I go to the Arts one, I'm taking Japanese, if I go to the Technical high school, I have to take Russian, which I know some of so it wont be too bad. I just want to be able to read in Japanese :p
If my school had Japanese, that would be my #1 choice because Japanese is such a great language. Right now Im contemplating chorus for my extra elective
I'm in Spanish 3, 10th grade. I wish my school had Italian. My school has Japanese, but it's only for the gifted kids (like the really smart kids) so I can't take it
I had to do that in gym 7th and 8th grade, around Christmas time....we even had to slow dance.....I'm sooo glad I'm not doing that anymore
Im happy because my grades came in and my mom is letting me go to Regionals!!!! Time to take some friends :p

Good Job!! In Social Studies, we had to make a still picture/ freeze frame depicting the Gold Rush. We ran out of idea's so I was a shrub!!

My lines:

"Im a shrub!! People look inside me for berries and fruits!"
