The Student Lounge Thread

I took a test in Earth Science today, got a 100%, and since I had an overall grade of 79% before the test, I should have a solid B now. :D
Just got a 100 on a Gr. 9 Math test!

My overall average is like 92.8%! It's AWESOME!

I'm in Gr.8 Btw.
{Sorry I used 'A' so much. Not much else I could replace it with}
I was so nervous I would lose my straight A record because I had 4 classes that I had to get an A on a test to get an A for that quarter. Luckily, I got A's on all of those tests so I am very happy! If I get straight A's this next and last quarter, I get what my school calls the Principal's Award, which is when you get 3 years (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) of straight A's. If I get this award, I get a nice plaque with my name on it. Even more importantly, my parents will get me and X Box!
My diagram of an atom:

Styrofoam, on toothpicks


Yeah, it only took me about 5 minutes to do too. I love my Indian Science teacher! <3
Usually it's only the Semester's grades that really count on your transcript. That's the way it is for me at least.

dmaster out.
I'm in 7th grade so it doesn't really matter, but I still really want straight A's. I had worked forever to do a speech (I got a 29.5/30 on), then I found out a test was going to count on this quarter's grades, so ya...
Health: 92% (It's Health in 8th grade. Why?)
History: 99% (I had the 100% going all quarter, and then missed a question on a test).
English: 89.5% (Yeah, got the lowest possible A).
Spanish: 100% (Boom chacalaca)
Computers: 92% (Got a D on a project).
Science: 95% (omg I got something less than a 96% in Science).
Geometry: 93% (Somehow).

The verdict: I can't think of a clever comment to put here =/
That is rough. Can you still raise you grade in the next quarter? I am asking because I never went to public school.
I told my mom I made Honor Roll and that I've had it all throughout this year so far, and she just looked at me and continued watching TV. She was the only one that didn't say anything, while everyone else, friends, boyfriend, even my guidance counselor, said congrats and all happy and stuff. :\

My friend said that my mom should just give me money or something like a prize for good grades, and I told her that I've had Honor Roll all throughout elementary school, most of middle school, and a lot of my current high school career. But I've never gotten money or anything.

So do you guys get anything for good grades?
I get horseback riding lessons if I can get 6 As this semester.
^^Usually something small, like when I was younger a LEGO set. Nowadays, I really don't want anything my parents offer/give me for good grades ('cept an X Box). I consider getting good grades a necessity. Btw, congrats on the good grades.
I don't get anything.

I've been top of the class my whole life and my parents never really pushed me or cared if I did or not.
Thanks, JacobeTheElf! And to the person above me, I've always thought parents should motivate kids to get good grades. But when they don't express any emotion about getting good grades, kids aren't motivated besides to get into college, if they want to do it. My dad always encouraged good grades, and I guess I expect the same from my mom, but oh well. I want good grades for college, not for my parents.
I get a "great job" or high five, like when I got straight A's last quarter. "Prizes" ended in 5th grade.
I honestly don't see the point of prizes. It's up to YOU to want to get good grades. NOT your parents. Why should they motivate you?

Will your boss be standing there saying "Get this done and you get a chocolate bar?" I don't think so, so why should your parents?
Me and my spanish teacher pulled a prank on the entire class about some pop quiz type thing that was worth 20% of our quarter grade, some people freaked out, but some thought it was a joke :p
We had a test today. We had to make a double bar, double line, and circle graph. Just that. I made 2 double bar graphs. YAY 66

Now, im off to beg my teacher to give me a retake