The Student Lounge Thread

Recently I got like my third letter from some organization because of my PSAT scores. Apparently I got one of the highest grades in my grade/school/state/country/whatever/combination of these and now these people won't stop asking me to attend some things like for example shell out a few thousand dollars to go to this fancy academic school this summer in the UK.....Like that's going to happen.
It feels like Friday, which is the new song that everyone is talking about. The "Brock Dub" is the best part.
@Shadow Arceus I know what you mean, I have gotten upwards of 30 letters like that, I look at them and I just go wow not again
English teacher decided to bump up my grade to an 80, so I have Honor Roll now! Yayy! :D

And my AP World History teacher gave me a 90 on a presentation that was SUPPOSED to be 15 minutes long, but wasn't even 5 minutes? Yesssssss. ;D
I have made the decision that I now loathe group projects. Last week, in American history class, I was paired up with these two girls who NEVER keep their mouth shut, like, EVER. And the project that we were assigned was, to bring ten items to represent ten events that were causes of the american revolution, so write a paper about the Boston massacre, and to write a diary entry from the perspective of a famous person from the american revolution. We barley got finished with the first part. Not even, actually(FYI we also only had about 3-4 days to do this). We split the project up ,I did most of the first part, and by the time it was due, the girl who was supposed to write the Boston massacre paper said she forgot to do it. And the day before, the other girl, who was supposed to do the research for the diary entry, said I had to do the research and the paper tonight, because she forgot to do it. I stayed up all night doing research, and didn't even get to the paper. I'm pretty sure I flunked.
I hate group projects all together because I don't trust most people if it is randomly paired.

I only enjoy them in Social Studies because all of my studious friends are in that class though, so we actually split things and they are done correctly.
I have a 5 page paper due on Tuesday, a Physics test on Monday and a computer project due on Sunday. I am going to be very busy this weekend.
Ha ha, I don't have school tomorrow just a bunch of projects due. Oh, well so much seeing the cherry blossoms.
If you don't have school tommarrow, how do you have projects due tommarrow?
I have online classes and I submit the projects online except for the test (in class).