The Student Lounge Thread

^I don't have one yet either.

If I do well on a speech, I'll have straight A's again!!!
^ SPEECHES. I hate those things. I'm shy in front of people I don't normally talk to, so speeches always make me so nervous and shake and talk too fast.....yeah, they're bad. I had to give a 15-minute speech in my AP World History wasn't even 5 minutes long. (although it was a group speech and someone else didn't get any more notes like they were supposed to)

and I have an 80% in that class and he didn't grade the speeches yet! It'll keep me from getting Honor Roll if my grade goes down :(
My French teacher decided to wait until today to tell us we have Written PALS next class, then Oral PALS the class after. Oh well, they're not too tough.
What are PALS? Are they state tests like my state's PSSA's?

And Hyperbeem: sorry, but I have a 94 in my Honors Bio class :p Biology is my strong subject....World History isn't -.- the only social studies class I could probably easily understand is Psychology, which I'm taking next year :)
My spring break starts the 16th of April. Thats also the day of an event, one that im not going to. But thats another story.

Had a fight in school today, more verbal than anything else. Might get suspended, hopefully not...
Did you fight back? If so, it's better than my stepbrothers fight he got into XD people made fun of him for it.
Yesterday, I had no tennis practice, but instead of enjoying myself, I had to make up back to back Biology tests. Then, the teacher proceeded to grade them IN FRONT OF ME. I was like, go put it in the machine, but no, she pulled out her old fashioned red pen. Thankfully, I aced both, but it was pretty awkward.
^Yup. I had to choose between it and an AP school, and it was close, but I chose to go to the school I do now instead. I might prefer AP to IB, but I like the focus on writing and international recognition.
I usually don't get mad at students who asleep in class. I understand, I was in their shoes. I will wake them up but I don't particularly blow up when it happens.

What makes me angry is when my students get up randomly in class for no apparent reason, makes obviously loud noises, or combine the both and be noisy as they get up. To me, its worse then talking during class because it has the connotation that the student is doing on purpose (this is usually the case).

You guys don't do that, right? Right???
I don't do that, I rarely, rarely leave class without a note. We have to sign a note in the back of a book we have at school, our Diary, and we have to state where we are going, what time we are leaving, what the date is and the teacher that's in out class, has to sign it. That's the only way for us to leave class and I don't make loud obvious noises, unless chatting with friends counts, which I'm sure it wouldn't.

So you teach LostVoice? If so, which classes?
I teach English for grades 5th through 9th in Japan. I also do 1st through 4th on occasion.
I'm actually one of the more shy ones, so I'm not really loud. And I'm what I guess people would call a "goody-goody" where I'm usually on my best behavior all the time. The school I go to, however, gives me a bad reputation because of all the bad kids and what normal public high school kids do.
3 projects due on Wednesday. 0/3 projects are done at the moment. Then, 5 book reports, 3 Journal Entries, 1 writing piece, and 4 Reading Responses by Friday. FML x1,000,000