The Student Lounge Thread

Ugh, I have to do CPR training soon. I don't think it's going to be that much fun... ;P
Spring Break for us is in mid-April, I believe. Still a loooong way to go.
CPR isnt too bad the video is horrible though... YOU GET THE AED, YOU CALL 911!!! ALL CLEARx10, look at unconscious person are you ok?
Got a 6:30 on the mile today, and still working on improving that.
CPR training has not started yet. Not looking too forward to it, though...
Got a 110 on a math test, and the extra credit only pumped it up by 5 points, I think the math teacher did something wrong hmm
^wow, I just got home but in history we had the biggest argument about the song friday, you know the one... It was hands down "the" worst song I have ever heard
I had a B+ in Bio (because of a 26% I got on a practice test I forgot to do most of... oops), but hopefully the 109% I just got on a test will help raise that to a solid A.
I had straight A's last quarter and got a "congrats" letter from my principal. I would get to go, but my dad is in Phoenix.
^Dang, I've gotten all As every quarter since the start of middle school, and no letter from anyone. :(
-feels unloved-
Spring Break is over for me D:

The good thing about the fourth quarter though is because there is a lot to do with the standardized testing (which is the easiest thing ever).
We have 2 weeks left in 3rd quarter and about a month till spring break, which coincidentally happens to be when regionals is, So I CANT WAIT