The Student Lounge Thread

I am. Anyways, the baseball season started, so I'm pretty hyped up about that and all.

I play pitcher, if anyone is wondering.

Anyways, the baseball team never has homework the day of a game, or we don't get homework when there is a weekend game. So I'm practicing now.

Got 2 100's, Science and Math, and I'm doing really well in school.
Got my Writing Test this week (yes, this is the one that determines my driving test...) I'll probably do better than the average student(if you had read any of my works, you would probably agree).

I also have a band contest this weekend, which prevents me from going to St. Lois with my family for spring break.

I hate band sometimes.
The procrastinator wins again! Finished a project due tommorow that I started 45 minutes ago.
I couldn't procrastinate today, I did my homework early to play B/W all day.

I guess it kind of is, because I did it right before I went to got the game.
I STILL haven't gotten B/W yet. I need to get on that sometime, but I have soccer practice until 5:30 every day. And then homework, and I need my facebook time... I'll get to it at some point. Maybe in a while. I don't even have time for the TCG now, though.
^Update:Crysis 2 looks amazing, but wont work on my CPU *dang*

On Topic: Have my Spanish Speaking PALS tomorrow and I am freaking out :
^PALs have gotten a lot easier for me this year. I don't know why, but I've been having a lot easier time than I did last year.
Ugh, don't even get me started on schools. I can't go through a single class period without one of my teachers bawling their eyes out. This whole "budget bill" has really been messing with the minds of the teachers.
Awesome day full of fun, jokes (Teacher: I hear a sound I shouldn't hear... Guy: Justin Bieber!), and the MSAs :(:(:(:(.
I just passed my Science test with a grade of 105%.
I'm bored at school since I'm so intelligent.
105%... how can you do that? Extra Credit (which my school doesn't have)?
We have Mastrey Tests, and it's a drag. Doing those boring tests is making me run down >_>.
Today was the last day of classes for the third quarter, we just have Armageddon tomorrow and Friday and then spring break (plus my choir concert tonight). So I am really happy to have no stress until a week after monday.