The Student Lounge Thread

^When we did the pacer I got 125 and thought that was a nice place to stop because there was 2 minutes till the bell rang, but these 2 kids kept going till around 170
We do the fitness grams. Our minimum is 47 I believe, so I usually do a little bit more than 50. I'm mighty athletic.
I usually get board at 40-50 in the PACER.

There are some people in my class though that quit at 15. :S
I missed the past few days, but today was fun. I barely missed any work, and the work I did miss isn't due till after Spring Break. My Spanish teacher decided to just give me 100% on the work I missed for his class. After telling him about my incident with running into the wall he felt bad for me.
We also had a pep rally. They announced me and LORDY JONES's victory at the MESA competition. Keep in mind that that's geeky. It was loads of fun, yeah. Ha.
Half day :D!

Fridays are now "Michael Jackson Fridays" because I always listen to Michael Jackson on my friend's iPod, on only Friday.
^Lucky...I just ended now. Going home and then straight to Garden State Plaza for the Mall Tour :D (I already got my game, I just wast a Tepig plushie :p)

Had a Geometry quiz today, last question was "What color is a school bus? If you get this wrong you get a 0 no matter what."
When we do PACER at our school, no one does as good as I've heard anyone who posted did. Then again its middle school, so hey. The highest in my gym class was 50, i got like 30, got lazy and stopped. Or was it because i didnt eat breakfast and was panting like a rabbid dog, the world may never know.

Been off of school this whole week since im on vacation. Leaving tommorow.
The thing about me is that I'm very fast, but I have no stamina at all. I tend to tire very quickly, so my average mile-run time is usually around nine minutes.

But, for me, I dominated the fitness test =P
@Hyperbeem I am in 9th too :), just at the beginning its hard to run because you are surrounded by people
@Gliscor: Me too. After 3 quarter miles, I basiclly have to walk. I got the 8:30 by just running as fast as a friend did the entire time (he did beat me though :p).
I think my fastest time for a mile last year in P.E. was like 6 or 7 minutes. It's not that bad, but I definitely know that it's gone up since then because I haven't ran at all this year.

dmaster out.
4:48 is my record, but I only put that much effort into a mile when it's for tryouts. I usually run one in 6 for gym and stuff. I don't like track though. Free running is boring to me, I like running when there's a goal too it. (Sports excluding baseball which i dont even consider a sport)