The Student Lounge Thread

I really need help...
Ok, so our school launched a program, called the 'Ambassador Program', where a selected group of students become ambassador's (the students are only from Grade/Year 10). The group of ambassadors are separated into different groups, which they are really good at. I am a Public Speaking Ambassador, and have to do school assemblies infront of the whole of Grade/Year 10, Grade/Year 11 and Sixth Form (Grade/Year 13). Now I need help on which topic I should do, as I want to keep them interested, keep the topic educational but not boring, and be able to make a cool video/presentation on it (to keep them interested). My last topic was Space and I made a cool Did You Know video, what topic should i do now, and what should I do to keep them interested?
I hate my chorus teacher. He doesn't bother having the annoucements channel put on his TV so we missed the volleyball championships game 1. He's also mean, and too picky+strict.
I hate the media center person whos in charge.

Today, almost (not me) everyone dressed in purple. They sang Justin Bieber songs too. At lunch they sang "Happy Birthday" to him.
Oh my gawd, in English we were doing adlibs and the crazed fan girls ended the story with, "the girl porcupine fell in love with Justin Beiber and all was well." I hate my english class
thefleeee said:
Yeah, There was windows and the cafeteria was the only thing with power, so we had to stay in school
Only one side of the school had no power, and the emergency lights were still on. Plus, it was a bright day, so it wasn't bad anyways... plus, it was only the lights that were out at all. Everything else was still working.
I've stayed home for a bit. On Monday, I got to leave school early for an extra-curricular field trip. Yesterday I was sick. Today, I am still sick and I also hit my head on a wall and can't move very well.

The extra curricular group I talked about is MESA CLub (Math Engineering Science Achievement). It's basically nerd club. But we had a competition on Saturday, for the district. We had to do 3 different challenges: a hands-on lab using "spool racers," generate energy with pre-built wind generators, and a written exam.

Within our school, we were in 4 groups. Me and LORDY JONES (we know each other irl) ended up winning the whole competition, despite being freshman. We also did really bad.

IDK, some interesting stuff there.
So, not sure if the counts as being on topic, but I was involved in a bus crash today. It was minor, we were just rammed from behind, but six people were taken to the hospital, including on of my friends. Most of them should be fine, just some muscular issues. My mom is taking me to a doctor later today or tomorrow because I'm experience pangs of back pain. I didn't think it was important enough to go to the hospital though, so when the firemen asked, I said I was fine.
^That seems really scary, glad no one really got hurt :)

Today in school we started playing soccer in gym and I realized my team sucks
A friend pulled out my chair as I was about to sit down today :p. I fell :(. On carpet :). I laughed afterwards though. We joke around like that a lot.

My bus ride is looonnngggg.
:/. Ouch. Ya, good times.... a friend also gave me a free pack of gum :D.
We were playing basketball in gym today, and a kid had to be sent to the hospital because of a broken nose. And no, he was not hit by a ball or anyone else...he ran into the wall -_____- (lol)

The ball had gone out of the court and he ran after it. He wasn't watching were he was going and ended up hitting his face on the wall.


So true XD