The Stupid Excuses Game!!

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Thet can blow up my city. They can take are oil supply but when they take my food its on

Accusation Causing global warming
Oops my army of Electric Pokemon ate a power plant

Guilty for creating an army of Pokemon and setting them free in NYC, burning it to the ground
I's not my fault I left my Entei, Ho-oh, Infernape, Moltres, and Blazakin's Pokeballs open to give them fresh air!!!

Guilty for being a PokeManiac!!!
uuum...uuuumm.....look a monkey

Accusation calling an army of Magnemites, Magnetons, and magnezones to destroy the world
They needed some exercise, so I let them out of their Poké Balls...

Bribing someone do look the other way as you do something illegal.
I was on a hill and I could sware the handbrake wasn't locked...

Guilty of double posting.
No, thats just a piece of paper that sais trainer card

Guilty of being hypacritical
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