The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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How can you catch a person? (Just so you know, at a computer some where is a person, not a Pokémon, who posts in these forums as Jigglypuff13. That person would me (obviously)).
Throws another book at Togeshroob. Why? Because I feel like it :)
Not again!
Throws a bomb at Shroobogepi, which destroies it so long as the bomb lands within 10,000,000 miles of Shroobogepi and cannot be deflected any where by any means.
Throws another bomb that this time, destroys everything every remotely Mario related, which stops this Mario themed madness once and for all!
Why? Because I just don't like a theme when you are meant to be throwing random objects. Plus I can barely remember any items from any Mario RPG (though I've only played Superstar Saga and Partners in Time).
Anyway, a root!? Why a root!?
I throw a flamethrower to myself, which I use to burn the root (!?) to a crisp. I then throw it into my pocket (which is infinately big) for later use (if necessary...).
Fires an arrow (using a bow and arrow set I recently have just randomly got in this game) to puncture the suit and the root.
throws hands up and in french accent yells "i surrender!!" after being hit in the head with a pebble that might have been skipped across the surface of some water...
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