The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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I shake my head at Eevee Master and then Throw him to Queen Jaydes! Talk to Queen Jaydes, and she might let you back up.
Throws a Poké Ball, which contained a level 100 Jigglypuff that uses Psychic on that Omanyte for no reason what so ever.
Throws an angry Flareon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon and Glaceon at Kevin Garrett. They attack him for not including then in his avatar.
Pockets the microphone for later use.
Throws a "j" at Kevin Garrett to replace the extra "i" in "Jiiglypuff13".
throws a GOLEM at Kivin because he has Vespquen on his poster(which I call the hitler pokemon)
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