The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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throws a smoke bomb to conceal himslef then throws a grenadade and then throws needles at everyone!!!!
Shrowzer eats it, makes it normal BLARGH sound, falls to the ground, and starts to twich uncontrolably. Princess Shroob's Shroob Matter flys out of Bowser and lands a few feet away. The anti-Shrowzer matter reversed it! Bowser's soul then goes into Princess Shroob to make a Bowser possessed Princess Shroob (instead of a Princess Shroob possessed Bowser). Princess Bowser is born! Princess Bowser throws a long purple tentacle at Jigglypuff13!
I thought I stopped all of this Mario themed madness!!
Oh well, I'll throw a ninja knife at Princess Bowser.
Princess Shrowzer laughs evilly, then breathes puple toxin at Mario and Luigi who breathe it in, transforming them into Shroobario and Shroobigi (From some RPG I read once)! Shroobario throws a Shrooblet at Jigglypuff13.
Throws a book at Togeshroob, who wakes up and realises it was all a dream and none of the last 10 or so posts actually happened, so there is no Princess Shroob, no Shrowser, no Bowser, no Princess Shrowser, no Shroobario, no Shroobigi, and in fact, nothing Mario related attacking anyone!
I say, "I wish that dream was real...." Then Jirachi pops out of nowhere and says, "Dream?" Then it makes my dream into reality! Princess Bowser throws a Shroom Shake at itself!
Throws another book at Togeshroob to make him wake up and realise that all of that Mario related stuff and Pokémon are not real. Now that should stop all of this Mario themed madness.
Why do you want all the Mario madness to go away?

Anyways, I throw a Master Ball at Jigglypuff13, I catch it, then I command it to allow the Mario Madness!
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