The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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Hello! Still Time Freeze!
Throws Electrode at all the Cloned Magikarps.
Also Throws Another Dialga.DOUBLE TIME FREEZE.
Throws the Card "Return of the different Demanision"To return here and throws Acreus to kill Giratina.Also Throws Dialga.TIME FREEZE.
throws a dialga and palkia both using draco meteor and spacial rend/roar of time and boom goes the whole place in a tired mess and i destroy this thread muhahahhahahahaahahaha.
I throw upon the "Poke With A-Bomb Card" and summon a Geodude to throw a nuke at PalkiaROXS cause I dang well feel like it.
Throws a Palkia out of nowhere.Uses Protect on PalkiaROXS to help him(or her)Rule Space.
Throws a Protect at PalkiaROXS and throws a decect at Palkia.
Also throws Special Rend At Golem1996.NOW EVERYTHING WE SEE IS SPACE.
I use the Gift That PalkiaROXS Sent me.It was Protect!I used Protect To Prevent Myself from Melting.
I throw the whole Space to Golem1966 and a Reverse Trap on Noobnerd.Now He get's Reversed and stop Throwing Himself and throws all us instead.Luckly,We all had protect
exept Golem1966 who used up his so Noobnerd throws him.

Next Poster gets Served Some Justice!With Hydro Cannon,Lobsters,and Choclate Sauce.
(Like in Hannah Montana).
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