The Throw An Object Game Version 1.0

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Trnslation - after watching what golem1996 turn me back to a human, I did the same to turn me back.

Now to seek my revenge, I throw a nuclear bomb that has been locked on to icemaster.
I eat a hole through the human master ball, get a ball of nothing, turn into a Golem, and throw boulders at icemaster that say:
Writing on the boulder said:
I left you alone but for trapping me into that steel-inforced, in-humane trap, I will DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
During the next two post I will make 2 magic shields. After this I am the only one that can throw magical balls of nothing at me because of my shield.
I throw 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 boulders on Draekfast
because of the Furby.

Does anyone realize this game has become like a kindergartener's fight (Your dead! Nu-uh your dead. You were dead first. *Slap fight*)
Throws a Invisably Item At Jigglypuff13.JIGGLYPUFF13 cannot be a target of a thrown Item.
I throw a Hydro Cannon Power-Up at Golem1996.
I also throw a ghost with Nuke on Draekfist's Base.Next Time he posts,His Base and him will
be Destroyed.
/me stomps icemaster to death and eats sweets.


/me kills you seventy times while throwing half-eaten lollipops.
I throw a note at icemaser saying thanks for the invisibility item. I then blend back into the background.
I throw 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
boulder at icemaster for revenge.
I throw candy at everyone being nice to me
I use Disable To Disable The Boulders and I throw a Queen To Infest Draekfist's Terran Command Center and I use Infested Terran To Blow Up Draekfist's base.
Also I throw a Full Restore On Jigglypuff13 and I throw a Hydro Cannon TM at PalkiaRoxs
To use at anyone.
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