The Tier List (HS-BW)

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RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

It has a autoloss to Donphan though, so it isn't that good, or worth putting on the tier list..
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Fair enough, I'll add Lanturn Prime in Tier 3 but I'll trying to avoid rogues as this is a tier list for the metagame.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Ok. Most Primes are considered meta, the awful ones aside. Does anyone consider Ursaring as meta?
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Uh can you be more specific? Because there's a lot of primes on the list already, a lot of primes excluded, and a lot of awful ones. So which ones did you want me to put on?

And no, I haven't heard any talk of Ursaring at all.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

For a start, there's Crobat Prime and Blissey. Blissey tends to be more of a tech - I use her for my Cinccino deck, but she is meta regardless.
Another tech is Ampharos Prime. And possibly Electrode.
Now that I look at it, most were already covered.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Ok. Most Primes are considered meta, the awful ones aside. Does anyone consider Ursaring as meta?

Nope. Nobody uses it, it has 110 HP, and 3 energy attack costs to do 30. And if you do get damage counter onto it, it make it easier for Magnezone to ko it. Plus, every meta deck can OHKO it.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Pokevortex, I haven't heard of any of those decks, so if you want to explain the strategies behind them then I'll consider putting them on.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Well, they're all more techs than decks, but Crobat has its own deck.
Crobat swarms are designed to keep dropping damage counters cheaply, similar to the good ol' Flash Bite of Crobat SP. It can also poison, stopping Magnezones and such from using their Poke-Powers and also constantly damaging. It's a great deck.
Blissey is played to completely heal any team that can easily recover their energies.
Ampharos disrupts opponents playing things such as Pachirisu, Floatzel or Gatr Prime.
Electrode is a backup with Magnezone if you want to speedily set up, but is sacrificial.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

^o_O blissey is really only good for meganium in some kind of grass deck. other than that its not worth it. lose my 3 energy to heal a pokemont hat is going to get KOed next turn? no thanks. but with meganium you can just move the energy and then move it back. i guess with low energy attackers (crobat, jumpluff, cinccino) but then again you would mostly run low energy thus you wouldnt have another in hand. blissey is like electrode...not worth it...

i guess crobat can be put on that list as maybe tier 3 or 2...maybe a mewbat deck will work well...
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

glaceon said:
Ok. Most Primes are considered meta, the awful ones aside. Does anyone consider Ursaring as meta?

Nope. Nobody uses it, it has 110 HP, and 3 energy attack costs to do 30. And if you do get damage counter onto it, it make it easier for Magnezone to ko it. Plus, every meta deck can OHKO it.

It was decent when Luxchomp was dominant due to it's ability to ohko those SP decks, but not anymore.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

it was good with eggecutor ...the MD one (MD?) but now that is gone so its not that great. sure you could use slowking to control top deck and discard everything good but with donphan and machamp around...
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Added Vileplume in tier 3; I don't know how I left it off the list.

Glad to see this thread is generating some discussion!
Actually I guess you're right; I thought I remembered seeing it in a lot of articles I read about decks and their matchups, but I can't find it again. :X I'll take it off the list again.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

catutie said:
it was good with eggecutor ...the MD one (MD?) but now that is gone so its not that great. sure you could use slowking to control top deck and discard everything good but with donphan and machamp around...

I believe you're referring to Exeggutor LA.

^yes that one

you might be thinking of vilegar or the now...vilemag/magvile/vileguis/vileplume and mismagius...
^well people usually use there trainers before you get vileplume out there. and even then...with no bebe search and the reliance on stops you in your tracks...
Donphan/Yanmega is definately not tier 3 it's easily tier 1.5 at the least. Snipes, hits hard and quick, along with being very disruptive makes this deck very, very good.
Well I'll leave Donphan/Yanmega until another person or two agree with you, ashinto.

My problem with Vileplume/Mismagius was more that Mismagius were hard to keep recycling. I got Vileplume out fairly fast, like turn 2-3.
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