The Tier List (HS-BW)

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well...without being able to really serch without your communications or what ever...its hard to keep poke ready on the bench especially if they evolve. i guess you can use PETM but still...and mismagius is not a poke that can all :p

i guess donmega is tier 2. they dont really have synergy except that you can go fast...
donmega is not that great.
ive beaten it with all my decks.

it just doesnt provide any synergy with each other other than fast swarming
I actually kind of like Donphan/Yanmega. It's quite fast and can easily get an attacker going T2. The deck can be very disruptive because it plays high counts of Judge. Donphan does great against decks like Magnezone and Zekrom. Yanmega does well against Donphan and has fun sniping off babies on your opponent's bench. I can't say it has any autowins because it doesn't really have a super great type coverage, but I do think the pure speed and disruption of the deck makes it quite playable. I would say it's between tier 2 and 3, but I haven't actually tested it myself so I don't know for sure.
Well we seem to be split on Yanmega/Donphan so it will stay where it is for now.

My thing with it is that it can't do very heavy damage and it can't survive heavily damaging attacks. So once the other decks get setup, it loses the prize exchange and the other decks can catch up. It's probably better in Japan because of their four-prize format.
0_0 what? donphan can survive 130 damage hit...and yanmega is just fast PURE fast lol

it doesnt matter what the HP is...well it does but if youc an start dishing out big damage T2 it doesnt matter what your HP is because you can just pick off there basics/stage 1's before they can become hard hitting stage 2's
I think it's useless trying to make a tier list; but my 2c is that mewgar does not deserve to be in tier 1. These lists are probably going to all mix up when catcher is released.
Jahikoi said:
I think it's useless trying to make a tier list; but my 2c is that mewgar does not deserve to be in tier 1. These lists are probably going to all mix up when catcher is released.

Typhloram will still stay tier 1, it's more good than bad thing for it. Same thing for Zekrom variants and reshiboars.
Ok so there seems to be some pressure to change Donphan/Yanmega. I'll move it up to Tier 2.

cautie- I don't understand how they pick off the Stage 1's. A smart player will leave them benched and sacrifice a few useless Pokemon. Also, without Judge or draw power it can be hard to constantly maintain the same number of cards in hand as your opponent. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm just saying that it's not a great idea to build your attacking strategy around that assumption.
Jahikoi said:
I think it's useless trying to make a tier list; but my 2c is that mewgar does not deserve to be in tier 1. These lists are probably going to all mix up when catcher is released.

until that happens...this is a pretty solid tier list :D

@win they have there starter out there and they used it once T1 you ko it. they only have basics to bring up and they cant take much more than 50-70 so you keep doing damage around there and you can wipe out there basics that have low HP. with donphan and yanmega you are doing 60 or 70 T2 and they cant keep up and even better yanmega can 2HKO most things by sniping or just catcher the babies to the bench and then snipe them.

catcher is gonna jumble this list up...
Well Reshiram and Zekrom are pretty high-HP basics that you're two-shotting if you're lucky... And they're two of the most popular decks in the format, neither uses a starter as a main part of their strategy and the slowest the decks setup is turn 2 and turn 4 respectively... Then you lose the prize exchange...
Tyranodon said:
Who is the main attacker in serperior/reuniclus aren't they both just healing/dmg spreading pokemon?

Any good stage 1/basic that got bunch of hp. i use Wailord as main tank/attacker in my own variant while serperior tanks electric types.
Tier 1:
Zekromega (Zekrom with Pachirisu, Shaymin, Yanmega and various techs)
Typhloram (Typhlosion and Reshiram with techs
Gengar (Gengar Prime with Spiritomb, Mime jr., slowking and Lost World)

Only these fits well in this tier.
There is a lot of debate between using Typhlosion Prime or Emboar with Reshiram. However, given that most people are using Emboar in Japan and I haven't heard a lot of talk about Typhlosion, I'll keep it the way it is.
win said:
There is a lot of debate between using Typhlosion Prime or Emboar with Reshiram. However, given that most people are using Emboar in Japan and I haven't heard a lot of talk about Typhlosion, I'll keep it the way it is.

Thing is TyphloRam is more consistent while Reshiboar relies on that it draws enough energy from deck, well obviously typhloram too needs to draw the necessary energies. but 3 energies are enough. Basics, Quilava/Typhlosion, ninetales can be searched with various supporters, trainers and cleffa.
ninetails gets easy energy. and stacking is even better. its not that hard to draw energy just 4 IQ and 2-2 ninetails
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