The Tier List (HS-BW)

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Yanmega Prime is still stalled by a baby too?
I also run ZPS with Reversals and Circulators so that isnt much of a problem
Reshiphlosion NEEDS to be added to the list somewhere. It has consistent turn 2-3 setups and can chain Reshirams effortlessly, whereas Reshiboar struggles to match said consistency, gets demolished by a well-timed Judge, and relies heavily on Energy Retrievers to chain Reshirams. I'm certain that I'm not the first to say this.

Also, Leafeon/Roserade should be mentioned somewhere. It's not Tier 1, but its consistent turn-2 setups shouldn't be entirely dismissed.
tanker said:
I think ZPS with yamega is tier one, but just ZPS is tier 2.

Indeed, ZPS with Yanmega is way more consistent as the one without falls after a donk attempt and to donphan variants.

@Wes1234: Indeed, but plz call it TyphloRam cus Reshiplosion sounds silly. :D
sToRm07 said:
Tyraniking said:
win said:
First of all, ZPS is one of the two main decks in Japan right now, so it can't be bad. And it can't be so bad that it gets left off the list completely. Also, I assumed people relate Yanmega to ZPS decks; I haven't seen one that doesn't run it but I'll add Yanmega to the ZPS part of Tier 1.

I'll add Kingdra variants in general to Tier 3, then maybe move it up after I do some testing. And Cinpluff is staying off the list... Sorry :X

Lostgar was the play in Japan when it came out, so people assumed it'd be the play here.

Seriously. This Japan business is getting ridiculous.

In Japan, they have 30 card decks, can only run 2 max of one card, and have 4 prizes. Same cards. Totally different game.

Where's yo proof bro?
^Who are you talking to?

Wes1234 said:
Reshiphlosion NEEDS to be added to the list somewhere. It has consistent turn 2-3 setups and can chain Reshirams effortlessly, whereas Reshiboar struggles to match said consistency, gets demolished by a well-timed Judge, and relies heavily on Energy Retrievers to chain Reshirams. I'm certain that I'm not the first to say this.

Also, Leafeon/Roserade should be mentioned somewhere. It's not Tier 1, but its consistent turn-2 setups shouldn't be entirely dismissed.
I have a Reshiram/Emboar list that consistently sets up by Turn 3 and it's an accepted fact that the deck sets up turn 3 so consistency is not an issue for the deck. You're probably trying to run it with Ninetales, or just haven't tried it and that's why you find it inconsistent.

I agree that Reshiram/Typhlosion should be on there and I think it's a great deck as well; I'll modify White Out to include Typhlosion variants. I haven't heard of Leafeon/Roserade, but if somebody else feels like you do, I'll add it in on Tier 4.
win said:
I have a Reshiram/Emboar list that consistently sets up by Turn 3 and it's an accepted fact that the deck sets up turn 3 so consistency is not an issue for the deck. You're probably trying to run it with Ninetales, or just haven't tried it and that's why you find it inconsistent.

I agree that Reshiram/Typhlosion should be on there and I think it's a great deck as well; I'll modify White Out to include Typhlosion variants. I haven't heard of Leafeon/Roserade, but if somebody else feels like you do, I'll add it in on Tier 4.
I should've probably specified that "inconsistency" is in the late game. If it's Ninetales, you eventually find yourself needing to top deck an Energy Retrieval/Junk Arm to continue. If it's Shuckle, you may find yourself needing to top deck a PONT/Juniper to continue. The Typhlosion variant doesn't have to worry about this. In all matches I've played, once it's setup, the Reshi-chain never stops and doesn't rely heavily on Energy Retrievals or shuffle-draw Supporters like Reshiboar does.

Also, I'm in NO WAY trying to bash Reshiboar. It's just as good as Reshiphlosion (I don't care if the name sounds cheesy, that's just what I'm going to call it :p). Each has its pros and cons, and I was simply stating one of them. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.

Concerning Leafeon/Roserade, it holds up fine for now, but I highly doubt that such will remain the case when Pokemon Catcher comes out. Losing the Roserade puts a real damper on the deck's offense, which makes me a bit sad. I was hoping that it would've had the chance to shine once the SPs left the format. ^^;
Well my Reshiboar deck doesn't run Ninetales or Shuckle. I've tried it both ways and each of those just overcomplicated the deck. Even without them, I've never whiffed on the energy late-game. When I do have troubles late-game (about 1 in 15 games) it's because I can't make room for any Pokemon recovery cards except one Rescue Energy. Because of the heavy hitters in the format, the prize exchange is often even. Therefore, I always need 6 Reshiram to attack but the deck I use can only give me five. However, once I make room for 1 more card this will not be an issue.

But it short, the deck is amazing as it sets up by turn 3 almost every game and I literally never have an energy drought. Don't hate it till you've tried it :p PM me if you want my list.
What are you running if you can only fit in 1 rescue energy and you're not playing Ninetails or Shuckle?
win said:
But it short, the deck is amazing as it sets up by turn 3 almost every game and I literally never have an energy drought. Don't hate it till you've tried it :p PM me if you want my list.
Oh I've never hated it. I would've actually tried it out myself had I owned enough Emboars, but I lacked said cards, instead having 3 Typhlosion Primes rotting in my binder at the time. It happened to work out quite well, and it's been my personal preference over the Emboar variant ever since. I never wanted, nor intended, to give the impression of hating the deck. I personally love the deck. I simply opt to use the Typhlosion variant to fit my personal play style, just as you've opted to use the Emboar variant to fit your play style, and there's nothing wrong with that. (Besides, I'm trying to get Emboars to use with Top Burner Magmortar. ^^; )

Concerning your recovery, have you ever considered Revive? It'd be easier to use in that it can also be Junk Arm'd.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

Tyranodon said:
I don't think LostGar will be top tier and I don't think KyureGatr will be top tier never mind Kyurem hasn't been released yet...

Kyurum is a beast, do not underestimate its vicious attack! Teched out with Solrock/Lunatone it's surprisingly hard to play around this monstrosity
^Yeah, I have considered Revive but I don't run Junk Arms; I feel like early game consistency is more important than the late-game consistency and I rarely need to Junk Arm PlusPowers. I just put in one Flower Shop Lady along with the Rescue Energy and it works fine.

SMP said:
What are you running if you can only fit in 1 rescue energy and you're not playing Ninetails or Shuckle?
I'll PM you the list if you want, but the main thing is that I run 4 PONT, 4 Juniper and 2 Pokegear 3.0. It sounds crazy, but it works really well; actually better than Ninetales or Shuckle. I run the bare minimum of Pokemon and Energy.
RE: The Tier List HGSS-on

ATS said:
Kyurum is a beast, do not underestimate its vicious attack! Teched out with Solrock/Lunatone it's surprisingly hard to play around this monstrosity

Especially with Eviolite, it's definatly Tier 1. Also i love spread decks, this will totally renew my will to play spread decks cus tyranitar not all that good with all the donphan decks around.
win said:
^Yeah, I have considered Revive but I don't run Junk Arms; I feel like early game consistency is more important than the late-game consistency and I rarely need to Junk Arm PlusPowers. I just put in one Flower Shop Lady along with the Rescue Energy and it works fine.

SMP said:
What are you running if you can only fit in 1 rescue energy and you're not playing Ninetails or Shuckle?
I'll PM you the list if you want, but the main thing is that I run 4 PONT, 4 Juniper and 2 Pokegear 3.0. It sounds crazy, but it works really well; actually better than Ninetales or Shuckle. I run the bare minimum of Pokemon and Energy.

Yea, I'd like to see this list please.
Feral-Prime has found it's new partner in Jellicent :O

Something like

3-2-3 Feral Prime
3/4 Kyurem
2-2 Jellicent

It could be tier 1 at least.
Okay, in the future post translations of cards that aren't released here yet. Also, I won't update the list with those decks until the sets the cards are in are released.
Riskbreakers said:
Feral-Prime has found it's new partner in Jellicent :O

Something like

3-2-3 Feral Prime
3/4 Kyurem
2-2 Jellicent

It could be tier 1 at least.

IMO Jellicent just doesn't seem to be worth it. Besides, you don't really need it seeing as Gatr becomes a surprisingly hard-hitter after a few hits from Kyurum. If you feel you need a sweeper, Gatr will handle things nicely himself, if you find the spread to be too slow
Personally I feel like Tyranitar will continue to be a better spread deck that Kyruem.
But Kyurem has things that TTar doesn't

-Energy Acceleration
-Attacker that is Basic which abuses Eviolite

Speedier setup overall. Do note that after your whole bench has received two Glaciates from Kyurem, everything can be OHKOed by Feral Prime.
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