BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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I'm looking for an adamant Shroomish with good IVs. I have a FAL2010 Mew up for grabs. PM me if you are interested. I don't know the IVs, but it has a neutral nature.
Thought i would get more attention here. :p Looking someone to help me for my new video on youTube I plan to make. I need someone with 3 hacked Pokémon and three legit Pokémon. PM me if you are intrested. ~JS
Would anyone happen to have an English Ditto they'd be willing to trade me in Black or White version? I want to use the Masuda Method to get a shiny, but a Japanese copy of Black isn't compatible with an English copy of SoulSilver, thus I cannot get the Ditto for myself. I don't have much to offer, but feel free to ask and see if I happen to have what you're looking for(but please, no rares like shinies or legendaries, I mean it's just a Ditto).
well, if they are not compatible then i don't see a way for getting and english ditto onto a japanese game untill B/W gets released in USA/EU
Can anyone get a Kangaskhan with a Sassy nature, with Fake Out, Return, Sucker Punch, and Earthquake. If possible, I can offer an Arceus or a Mew.
Simple, someone has both an English and Japanese version of SoulSilver(or D/P/Pt) and they trade an English Ditto over to the Japanese version, and PokeShift it into Black or White.
@sazando101 I'm interested, as long as the arceus is legit event or a Hall of Origin Arceus. I have soulsilver and I can get you the Kangaskhan. Just pm me.
@JaySamuel: Yes, to trade with Black or White you must be playing Black or White. The only way to connect with the older games(D/P/PT/HG/SS) is via the PokeShifter, which is used to transfer old Pokes to B/W(and it is only one way, they cannot be PokeShifted back to the older games). But thank you though.
^I would've helped you out, but I can't.
1: I can't find my Jp Pearl
2: My WiFi's not working
3: I can't clone my Ditto's.
Just looking for a quick trade in B/W... I need a pokemon with Pokerus, any pokemon. I can offer a freshly-breeded Kibago, male or female. One Lonely Male, One Lonely Female, the rest aren't very good natures. PM if it's all good. Reminder that this must be between B/W games.
I'm not one hundred percent sure if I should be posting this here or not since, this is really an official trade-to-keep type thing. But, here goes... I was wanting to evolve my Gantoru and yeah, he can only do that by being traded. So, it doesn't matter what you trade with, you will be receiving it right back. XD My Pokemon White F/C is in my sig, for those with B/W who don't mind helping me out really quick. ^.^
I'm willing to trade any starter from R/S/E or FR/LG(hell, I'll even trade all 6) for a female Feebas. PM me because I'll forget to check this thread.
I am looking for a shiny ev'd infernape, or ANY shiny ev'd fire Pokémon. I am offering other shiny ev'ds, ev'ds, or 120+ events in return. Please PM me if you're interested.
Does anybody have a TRU Arceus I could borrow to do the event on SoulSilver? I could give you a Masterball or a PP Max if you are intrested.
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