XY The Two Legendary Pokémon

RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

The life (Xerneas) and death (Yveltal) idea is quite cool.

I reckon Frezgle could be on the right track with the types, although if you were going off the life and death thing then possibly:

Yveltal - Poison/Flying - Poison causes sickness/death...
Xerneas - Fairy/Grass - Grass represents life?

However, that would put Xerneas at a major disadvantage... so maybe Xerneas could be Psychic/Grass... That would give you a stronger Poison type while fitting with the life and death theme... and Xerneas looks relatively Psychic...


EDIT: Although, in fairness, Kyogre had the advantage over Groudon...
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

mastermagpie said:
The life (Xerneas) and death (Yveltal) idea is quite cool.

I reckon Frezgle could be on the right track with the types, although if you were going off the life and death thing then possibly:

Yveltal - Poison/Flying - Poison causes sickness/death...
Xerneas - Fairy/Grass - Grass represents life?

However, that would put Xerneas at a major disadvantage... so maybe Xerneas could be Psychic/Grass... That would give you a stronger Poison type while fitting with the life and death theme... and Xerneas looks relatively Psychic...


EDIT: Although, in fairness, Kyogre had the advantage over Groudon...

I'm not really getting any sort of Grass vibe from Xerneas despite its forest-cetric theme. Fairy/Psychic could be an option? It's really hard to tell with this one...
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frezgle said:
I'm not really getting any sort of Grass vibe from Xerneas despite its forest-cetric theme. Fairy/Psychic could be an option? It's really hard to tell with this one...

Perhaps Grass as secondary then? Theres plenty of examples where the secondary type is impossible to guess simply from the design, but makes perfect sense with the concept or some other aspect.

But then again, Mascot legendaries in general tend to have the complexer designs with the hardest to guess types from appearance alone.

They're not starters, where "err its green so its grass erpderp" is enough lol.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Xerneas is at least partially Water-type, and perhaps something else, I will give you my word.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Pokequaza said:
Xerneas is at least partially Water-type, and perhaps something else, I will give you my word.
What makes you so certain of that?
In terms of coloration I can see it, but given what we know about it and what its origins are, I'm not sure Water would be more fitting, than say Grass or Psychic.

I'm still thinking:
Yveltal - Fighting/Flying OR Dark/Flying
Xerneas Fairy/Grass OR pure Fairy
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

P.DelSlayer said:
Pokequaza said:
Xerneas is at least partially Water-type, and perhaps something else, I will give you my word.
What makes you so certain of that?
In terms of coloration I can see it, but given what we know about it and what its origins are, I'm not sure Water would be more fitting, than say Grass or Psychic.

I'm still thinking:
Yveltal - Fighting/Flying OR Dark/Flying
Xerneas Fairy/Grass OR pure Fairy

I'm curious, where are you getting Fighting for Yveltal? (Not trying to sound rude; I'm honestly just wondering since you're the only one I've ever seen suggest it).
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Metalizard said:
frezgle said:
I agree. Plus dark is overdone.

How is Dark overdone? In terms of legendaries, there's only one currently...

I think death/destruction/whatever Yveltal is supposed to represent fits better the Dark-type than the Poison-type... Plus, it's called Yveltal; according to Bulbapedia, "yvel" is a middle english spelling of "evil"...

Not really. Poison can represent death/destruction; chemicals, no antidotes and stuff like that. Besides, not every pokemon whose have evil-like traits should be dark-types. Like for example, Zubat and others can be evil and they are not even dark-types. I just hope the typing of Yvetal's isn't that obvious (dark/flying or flying/dark). I hope it's unique such as fighting/flying due to its handlike wings/tail.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frezgle said:
P.DelSlayer said:
What makes you so certain of that?
In terms of coloration I can see it, but given what we know about it and what its origins are, I'm not sure Water would be more fitting, than say Grass or Psychic.

I'm still thinking:
Yveltal - Fighting/Flying OR Dark/Flying
Xerneas Fairy/Grass OR pure Fairy

I'm curious, where are you getting Fighting for Yveltal? (Not trying to sound rude; I'm honestly just wondering since you're the only one I've ever seen suggest it).
There was a theory somewhere that Xerneas is based on neurons and Yveltal is based on myosin/muscle/blood vessel. Muscle means Fighting is a likely candidate. It's red underside also resembles muscle.
Plus, Fighting/Flying is the only type combo not done that involves Flying, and since Yveltal is likely to be an as-of-yet unseen type OR one thats been seen a couple of times, that could be a pointer towards Fighting. (of course, it could just as easily be Poison by that logic)
I'd be fine with Dark as well, when I first saw Yveltal in the trailer (before its name was revealed) it screamed Dark/Flying.

On the subject of Yveltal being Poison, I'd really like it not to be Poison. Not that I don't want a Poison legendary (on the contrary, I really want to see one in Gen.6), I'd much rather it was an event legendary or something, rather than a casual legendary.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

P.DelSlayer said:
frezgle said:
I'm curious, where are you getting Fighting for Yveltal? (Not trying to sound rude; I'm honestly just wondering since you're the only one I've ever seen suggest it).
There was a theory somewhere that Xerneas is based on neurons and Yveltal is based on myosin/muscle/blood vessel. Muscle means Fighting is a likely candidate. It's red underside also resembles muscle.
Plus, Fighting/Flying is the only type combo not done that involves Flying, and since Yveltal is likely to be an as-of-yet unseen type OR one thats been seen a couple of times, that could be a pointer towards Fighting. (of course, it could just as easily be Poison by that logic)
I'd be fine with Dark as well, when I first saw Yveltal in the trailer (before its name was revealed) it screamed Dark/Flying.

On the subject of Yveltal being Poison, I'd really like it not to be Poison. Not that I don't want a Poison legendary (on the contrary, I really want to see one in Gen.6), I'd much rather it was an event legendary or something, rather than a casual legendary.
I also think that the neuron/muscle cell is a slight inspiration to Xerneas and Yveltal. If this is the reason, I also think that Yvel will be Fighting/Flying and Xern Psychic/Electric. The only problem is that it would give Xerneas a clear advantage over Yveltal.
Also, if this faerie stuff is real (I really hope not), I think that Xerneas will be Faerie/Electric then, as DNA is an electrically charged molecule, seeing that DNA will be important to the plot somehow.

I don't see how Yveltal could be poison either, but I would like a poison type legendary, not counting Toxic-plate Arceus. I feel that it would be one of those legendaries that aren't really important to the plot, but are still there, like Heatran in gen4. I mean, I have heard of the destruction/rebirth theory, but I don't see how that's fitting, as it is pretty much confirmed that DNA or genetic modification is a major plot theme.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

That is an interesting theory... Would make sense then for Xerneas to be at least partially an Electric type too. I can kind of see that with all the glowy bits on it.
That leaves the question though: If there is a third legendary, and these assumed inspirations are both correct and expanded on, what system might it be based on? Organs? Skeletal? I think I might absolutely love a skeleton legendary Pokemon.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frezgle said:
That is an interesting theory... Would make sense then for Xerneas to be at least partially an Electric type too. I can kind of see that with all the glowy bits on it.
That leaves the question though: If there is a third legendary, and these assumed inspirations are both correct and expanded on, what system might it be based on? Organs? Skeletal? I think I might absolutely love a skeleton legendary Pokemon.
The thrid system would be endoderm, the covering on organs like the stomach and lungs, but a skeletal legendary would be really cool too.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frezgle said:
That is an interesting theory... Would make sense then for Xerneas to be at least partially an Electric type too. I can kind of see that with all the glowy bits on it.
That leaves the question though: If there is a third legendary, and these assumed inspirations are both correct and expanded on, what system might it be based on? Organs? Skeletal? I think I might absolutely love a skeleton legendary Pokemon.

Someone somewhere pointed out that Xerneas is blue, Yveltal is red and the only colour missing to make the French flag would be white... so the third legendary could be white?
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

mastermagpie said:
frezgle said:
That is an interesting theory... Would make sense then for Xerneas to be at least partially an Electric type too. I can kind of see that with all the glowy bits on it.
That leaves the question though: If there is a third legendary, and these assumed inspirations are both correct and expanded on, what system might it be based on? Organs? Skeletal? I think I might absolutely love a skeleton legendary Pokemon.

Someone somewhere pointed out that Xerneas is blue, Yveltal is red and the only colour missing to make the French flag would be white... so the third legendary could be white?

...Further hype for my skeletal idea initiated. Hope levels reaching critical mass.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Matty said:
Metalizard said:
How is Dark overdone? In terms of legendaries, there's only one currently...

I think death/destruction/whatever Yveltal is supposed to represent fits better the Dark-type than the Poison-type... Plus, it's called Yveltal; according to Bulbapedia, "yvel" is a middle english spelling of "evil"...

Not really. Poison can represent death/destruction; chemicals, no antidotes and stuff like that.

No? Poison in pokémon is either about being naturally venomous or about pollution. Dark (or Evil in japan) embraces various concepts such as violence (Tyranitar), evil will (Spiritomb), shadows and darkness (Darkrai, Sableye), cheating/sneakyness (Liepard), demonic references (Houndoom), etc... everything bad basically... One of the best examples is Absol, which is Dark-type because it is associated with catastrophes (even though it is actually trying to warn people, poor one). So, if Yveltal is supposed to represent destruction and death, then the most fitting type for such theme is undoubtedly the Dark-type. Death actually has more to do with the Ghost-type but Dark-type also fits...


Besides, not every pokemon whose have evil-like traits should be dark-types. Like for example, Zubat and others can be evil and they are not even dark-types.

Oh, really? What should they be then? Fairy-type?!
And what are you talking about? Zubats are not evil... They just live in caves...
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon


"It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World."

Big, dark, scary, violent. Not a Dark type.

Besides, we know almost nothing about the legendaries yet, only what they look like and their habitats. To say it's "undoubtedly" a Dark-type is kinda pushing it.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

That's cause Giratina is /dead/. Actually that's really just a theory about what Arceus did to punish him (aka he killed him) for basically incarnating the opposite of all matter and also being kind of a jerk, but I like it. uwu

And agreed about us really having zero leads yet. All we have are box art hints and their designs, for the most part. I'm mostly just going to stick by Hiro for the types, though I'll be alright with Yveltal being a Poison/Flying type, and Xerneas having a dual typing.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frezgle said:

"It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World."

Big, dark, scary, violent. Not a Dark type.

Besides, we know almost nothing about the legendaries yet, only what they look like and their habitats. To say it's "undoubtedly" a Dark-type is kinda pushing it.

Big - huh... Don't know why you brought that up, I never said anything about big pokémon but ok...
Scary - Another thing that I don't how it relates to what I'm talking about... A pokémon can be scary without being Dark-type... and vice versa...
Dark & Violent - I'll give you those 2 points... Though any pokémon can become violent in extreme cases, I'm talking about being naturally violent (which is indeed the case with Giratina)...
And that's why it probably should be retyped too... The only reason I can encounter for it to be Ghost-type is that it represents anti-matter and lives in a reverse world (and DP dex entry mentions it appears in ancient cemeteries)... But he's not dead (whoever saw movie11 knows this is true); I've always wondered how can a ghost be the second heaviest pokémon with 750 Kg... It's look, attitude and backstory do indeed indicate an inclination for the Dark-type, hence why I think it should have been a Dark/Dragon...
But anyway, congratulations, you found an exception to the rule! But afaik, an exception doesn't make a rule...

Also, don't distort my words: I didn't say Yveltal is undoubtedly a Dark-type, I said the Dark-type is undoubtedly the best type to cover the theme of destruction... just read Hydreigon's dex entries...
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I agree that the types should not be something obvious.
I think it is very difficult to guess their types, since they look like they could be, well, pretty much any of the types.

Dark/Flying on Yveltal would be too obvious and boring I think, but my personal thought about its type leads to something like Dark/Psychic, which is also a unique type combination.

About Xerneas, I don't have any clue. It could be pretty much any type. I do think that a Psychic based Mascot par could be pretty cool, so something like Electric/Psychic could be unique, or Steel/Psychic. That is at least what I think it looks like most.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Xerneas Fairy/Psychic, Yveltal Dragon/Dark... Fairy is immune and super effective against Dragon (rumored) while Dark is immune and super effective against Psychic. It's the perfect mix to bring in Fairy type. The current TCG shows us that pokemon needs more Dark type legendaries as well. I would really like to think Xerneas fits the fairy type as he is walking out of a mystical looking forest with glowing antlers. He certainly doesn't look like grass or bug which would normally be associated with forests. Not sure how I like psychic for it but I can see it happening for similar reasons to Fairy. Yveltal is obviously either Flying or Dragon and Flying is just a boring type so I choose to ignore it. I don't think too many people will have a problem with me believing that it is Dark type
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

thealphaturtle said:
Xerneas Fairy/Psychic, Yveltal Dragon/Dark... Fairy is immune and super effective against Dragon (rumored) while Dark is immune and super effective against Psychic. It's the perfect mix to bring in Fairy type. The current TCG shows us that pokemon needs more Dark type legendaries as well. I would really like to think Xerneas fits the fairy type as he is walking out of a mystical looking forest with glowing antlers. He certainly doesn't look like grass or bug which would normally be associated with forests. Not sure how I like psychic for it but I can see it happening for similar reasons to Fairy. Yveltal is obviously either Flying or Dragon and Flying is just a boring type so I choose to ignore it. I don't think too many people will have a problem with me believing that it is Dark type

Execpt Yvetal is clearly a bird, not a dragon. Flying seems to be the most obvious choice, boring or not. plus dragon is wayyy overdone with legendaries.
I also highly doubt Yvel would be a dual type with Levitate for several reasons.
-all of its physical designs point towards Flying type. Huge wings, birdlike talons, pretty much everything about it.
-Levitate I'm 99% sure won't happen for one reason. All mascot legendaries have either had matching or counterpart abilities (matching=Pressure, counterpart=Drizzle/Drought, with Air Lock reinforcing Rayquaza's position as the peacekeeper between the two). Since it's easy to assume Xern won't be a Levitator, it would make sense for them to have the same or counterpart abilities.
I'm just hoping they don't have Pressure.