XY The Two Legendary Pokémon

RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

9Tailz said:
Xerneas has a a blue eye and a red eye. Yveltal has two blue eyes. Pokemon X is blue. Pokemon Y is red. XX is female, and XY is male. That might mean that Xerneas is a male Pokemon and Yveltal is a female Pokemon. I'm sure others have already made this connection, but it's just really cool

Wait, if X is female and Y is male, if there's ever a Z and I am not that great in science, won't that mean in theory that Z will NOT have a gender and be considered genderless?
Well it could be a hermaphrodite but I'm assuming Nintendo won't go for that simply out of fear of being sued or being picketed.

Speaking of, how will they do the Pokedex considering the whole '666 is the Devil's number!' thing?

Anyway, I really like the stag... reminds me of Athena if you think about it.
Y reminds me about one of the monsters Hercules fought when he went through
the trials, which I can't exactly remember the name.

Although, the big question is... do they have a shiny block?
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

FloodBadge said:
and i just realized that this generation WILL have a pokemon #666 which will end up causing some controversy like alakazam being a satanic symbol, and golbat being a nazi white supremacist (shape of the head and design, and an old card respectively)

I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be the only one laughing if Pokemon #666 just so happens to be a fire type.... XD
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Well it could be a dark type also. Dark represents evil.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

funny how someone realized the 666 thing and then someone quoted me bringing it up in a quote right after

just thought of something... the starters' themes?
Chespin's hood makes me think of a medieval knight's mail hood
Fennekin's ear tufts make me think of a jester, but the tail makes me think of a noble
Froakie's nose and "mane" make me think of a balding royal with a small curly moustache

oh, and i can see X, Y, and Z hidden in the starters
Chespin's Y with the two top side pins, and the body
Fennekin's Z from the side, with it's nose, back of the head, chest, and beginning of the tail
Froakie's X with it's eyes and feet
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

# 666 Dark/ Fire type with big bat wings and long horns. That would be so funny...
Now watch it be the opposite and be a "good guy" Pokemon.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

72ka355 said:
i think that it means life and death because of the chromosomes on xerneas and how yveltal sort of has veins and it has a grim reaper sort of form

...you know, that sounds so simple, but it makes absolute PERFECT sense when you really think about it. Life and death. It goes with the whole gender/chromosomes thing with X and Y, as you need two genders to create life and to have death. Xerneas would resemble the gift of life, being an elk/deer and they are known as being a symbol of nature. Yveltal, representing death, resembles a Tengu, which is a Japanese folklore demon creature that can morph into a bird/kite-like monster. I googled "demon bird" and this was the first thing to come up.
Tengu : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengu
It does kinda loosely look like Yveltal, its red and black. There must be a Japanese folklore creature resembling Xerneas as well just like most legendaries, we just have to find it.

I predict that this generations main theme will revolve around the importance of genders and life and death. Maybe we will finally have a way to breed for a specific gender now! (Or maybe just the opposite, they could emphasize that the chance will always be random, or they could finally even out the gender ratio of bred and found Pokemon... god I hope. I always felt subtly put off knowing that EVERY starter in EVERY generation only has a 12.5% chance of being female. I felt like they're always trying to remind us that the target audience was intended for boys or something since im a girl. :S
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Can you guys explain to me how Xerneas' eyes are any different? What are you talking about?

Both legends have blue eyes unless I'm suddenly color-blind without noticing it?

TomoEGoto said:
Speaking of, how will they do the Pokedex considering the whole '666 is the Devil's number!' thing?

Its a number. Like 67453
They're not gonna exclude a number for the sake of some 666-phobic people I have never heard about.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Im thinking its a theme along the lines of creation of life (Xerneas) and ruin of life (yveltal) Of course, pokemon probably would never go into that boundary of life and death. But with DNA? Its got to lead somewhere like that. The yggdrasil world tree concept is one that seems to fit but im not too sure about Yveltal (except that its one bad ass looking predator) Either way im just happy to be done with Generation V. :p
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Mitja said:
Can you guys explain to me how Xerneas' eyes are any different? What are you talking about?
Read the front site... where did you see Xerneas' right eye again?
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I only read the first and last page and I mostly see people going with genetics... has this other theory been tackled completely yet?

It's a play on 3D, because of the game being in 3D. X, Y, and Z are the three dimensions. X-axis is the horizontal dimension, so X is a land Pokémon (deer). Y-axis is the vertical dimension, so Y has flight (bird). Z would be depth, but not sure how they'll play on that just yet. A friend suggests water for depth.

Also, the deer having red and blue eyes (?) would be a nod to stereoscopic 3D.

I'm sure it's also genetics but this second theory makes too much sense to not also be at play here.

frostwind said:
I think we've got some legit information on the legends and the tree:

The tree is based off of Yggdrasil. The things that live in it are a stag (X), an eagle (Y), and a dragon (Z).
I really like this theory as well. Not so much all the talk about genders and XX/XY, though.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Guys, in Japan 444 is the devil's number, which has already passed. I don't think they're going to give 666 much attention.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Capistrono said:
Guys, in Japan 444 is the devil's number, which has already passed. I don't think they're going to give 666 much attention.

Gabite..... o_O
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

MeruMaru said:
Im thinking its a theme along the lines of creation of life (Xerneas) and ruin of life (yveltal) Of course, pokemon probably would never go into that boundary of life and death.

meaning they're afraid of mentioning death?
Lavender town (murdered marowak, homicidal ghosts, murdered rival Raticate, most depressing tune)
Ghost-types (Gastly family killing with a lick, Duskull loving children crying, Drifloon kidnapping kids)
Hypno and Drowzee (kidnapping hypnotized kids to dine on their imagination and minds)
Glalie (tortures it's forever dying prey)
Litwik's family (stealing the souls of humans)
Yamask (dies thousands of years ago just to be tortured by having to look at a perfect mold of their human face and cry)

need i go on?
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Dear lord, people, it's just a number. I'd honestly be more surprised if they made #666 look like something demonic than if they didn't.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Capistrono said:
Guys, in Japan 444 is the devil's number, which has already passed. I don't think they're going to give 666 much attention.

There will always be the handfull of buttholes not in Japan that will have a reason to complain though. :p But phoo on them. Keep us are pokimanz.

The fact that gabite being 444 is kinda funny. It looks like a demon creature.... xD
(I also found it funny that pokemon 420 just so happened to be a grass type, and cloaked in leaves at that...)

Okay, im done with the inappropriate talk lol.

Anyway, Yveltal really does look like a demonic grim reaper bird that could resemble the end of life. I predict the typing will be Dark/Flying or Psychic and maybe Xerneas could be... Steel... Water... grass... Ice... psychic..? Its really hard to decide a type for Xerneas... it looks like it could be anything. Who knows, I would be very interested if they introduced a new type. (light plis)
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Flygon2071 said:
It is a WW release. They have to think about all the world.

I'm just saying they didn't do it for Japan, I don't see why they would do it for the rest of us.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

It's tricky when you think about if the different colored irises for Xerneas mean anything.

Now, originally, I thought maybe the different colored eyes meant Xerneas was "male" (I have quotes because usually Legendaries are genderless). You know, one color being X and the other being Y, like a male's chromosomes. Then I thought, well if Xerneas is the male, then surely Yveltal is the female! But wait, that makes no sense. Females don't have Y chromosomes, and Yveltal is the Y legendary. So that means Yveltal is the male and Xerneas is the female! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. Female elk do not grow antlers (that should have been obvious from the start, but I overlooked it when thinking about the smaller details). And if both eyes have X's, wouldn't that be XX, meaning a female? Personally, I find Xerneas to be a more masculine name and conversely Yveltal feminine. We're left with quite a conundrum. I suppose both will be genderless. If that is the case the different colored eyes must mean something else entirely, or nothing at all. If they are gendered, it's a crap-shoot as to what genders they will be.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Spammy said:
It's tricky when you think about if the different colored irises for Xerneas mean anything.

Now, originally, I thought maybe the different colored eyes meant Xerneas was "male" (I have quotes because usually Legendaries are genderless). You know, one color being X and the other being Y, like a male's chromosomes. Then I thought, well if Xerneas is the male, then surely Yveltal is the female! But wait, that makes no sense. Females don't have Y chromosomes, and Yveltal is the Y legendary. So that means Yveltal is the male and Xerneas is the female! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE. Female elk do not grow antlers (that should have been obvious from the start, but I overlooked it when thinking about the smaller details). And if both eyes have X's, wouldn't that be XX, meaning a female? Personally, I find Xerneas to be a more masculine name and conversely Yveltal feminine. We're left with quite a conundrum. I suppose both will be genderless. If that is the case the different colored eyes must mean something else entirely, or nothing at all. If they are gendered, it's a crap-shoot as to what genders they will be.

whoa i just forget who was yvetal and who is xerneas thank you for reminding me