Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Your Master said:
I have ~$225 i am planning on buying a tin case (3 of each tin) for 100 a box for 100 and going to a pr wanting to run garchomp for brs

Pretty much any tin case would work, but I recommend the new Mewtwo EX/Rayquaza EX/IDK what EX the other one is. You would get a lot of booster variety and some good EX's for cheap
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

MonsterHunter909 said:
Pretty much any tin case would work, but I recommend the new Mewtwo EX/Rayquaza EX/IDK what EX the other one is. You would get a lot of booster variety and some good EX's for cheap

The other tin is Darkrai EX
Also, watch out on shipping costs, as a case of tins is rather heavy compared to a booster box.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

If it's $100 Shipping inc. then it's a great buy. That's about $11 a tin.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

If I were to buy some it would have to be from the US I am in the UK it would cost me $110 shipping, that's more than the actual product.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Hi there, me and my brother have both decided to get into the Pokemon TCG. We chose now to join so that we could learn the ins and outs of the game for a few months before the competitive season starts up again in the fall. Both of us has bought a preconstructed deck and a few booster packs each and we have been playing against each other, learning about what makes a good strategy and how to play well. We've been reading up on what makes good deckbuilding too. But we're not very knowledgable on the game's card pool as of yet, so we're not sure where to go from here, as far as getting new cards to make better decks goes.

I bought the Raiders theme deck, which obviously gives me a good jumping off point to move into a Dark deck with the Sableye + Items engine. Unfortunately, I don't really have enough money to go off and buy multiple Darkrai EX cards (or any other very expensive cards like that), so I'll just have to wait for when the promo tins come out in a few months to get a few. I've already bought pretty much all the trainers I might need to form a good deck (Dark Patch, Crushing Hammer, Random Receiver, Ultra Ball, etc), but I don't quite have any amazing attackers yet. The deck I bought comes with Krookodile, Scrafty, and Umbreon who are all fairly decent but I feel like there could be something better out there for me to buy to make my deck better, and if I decide to go with those evolution lines then I will definitely need to buy some more of the higher stages. Are there any good Dark Pokemon or evolution lines I could use that I could get for cheap while I wait for Darkrai?

Also, my brother got the Furious Knights theme deck, which came with a few Eelektrik in it (the one with the Dynamotor ability). So obviously he's in a good position to start a deck based on Lightning Energy acceleration. He's already got a few Zekrom and he has a Zekrom EX on the way, but he's not sure what else he could use in the deck. There wasn't really any other good Lightning Pokemon or evolution lines in that deck, and he obviously doesn't want to invest in Magnezone since it's being cycled out in a few months, so those options are off the table. Any suggestions for things he could buy to flesh out his deck a little more?
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Bagleopard, for your Dark deck I would suggest to just wait for the tins. It's the best you should do. Also try to get some information about new decks on BW-on, since Hydreigon (from Dragons EXhalted)/Darkrai EX will probably be one of the BDIFs (Best deck in format) and uses both Darkrai and Sableye as well as Dark Patch and other trainers you have.
As for your brother, he should get 2 or 3 Mewtwo EX and 1 or 2 Raikou EX and possibly 1 Rayquaza EX. That depends on what he wants to do with the deck, but whatever he decides, he mustn't forget that 2 Zekrom BW is necessary. Zekrom EX can also be very very good in the next format since Stage 2 Pokémon will be better. You have many ways to use Eelektriks. It's just a matter of doing your research on Eelektrik variant your brother prefers. However, I wouldn't recommed running 3 Rayquaza EXs, because the card seems fantastic but the weakness isn't good at all. You can run 1, atleast.

Here are some staples cards you both should get:
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
3 Cheren
2/3 Random Receivers
3 Eviolite (Normal Zekrom with this is a beast)
4 Pokémon Catcher (these ones are more expensive, like 8$, but they're needed. However, no need to get them so fast. As the time goes you will eventually get them by trading or buying it later)
Everything else depends on what deck you choose. If you need any more help feel free to PM me.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Meaty said:
I'm curious about how much these tins cost. While it's great to get 3 Rayquaza, Mewtwo and Darkrai, you don't exactly have the same guaranteed ratios as you do in boxes. This potentially means more EXs than in a box, but it could easily mean less EXs too. Another thing to consider is what packs are included in the tins. There often tends to be one or two older and less desirable pack in every tin, so only buy them if you're interested in cards from all three sets. Basically, if the price is about as much as booster box, and all three sets in the tins are worth it to you, then buy it by all means.

I'm kinda new to the Pokemon TCG and this forum, but wouldn't the sets included with the tins be Next Destinies, Dark Explorers and two Dragons Exalted? They're the most playable and currently valuable sets with a new copy of an extremely playable card. I'd buy that case if I were him.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Can you get tins with more than one promo card? The tin I bought had zekrom ex in one of the boosters, but I thought that was just luck.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Can you get tins with more than one promo card? The tin I bought had zekrom ex in one of the boosters, but I thought that was just luck.
Nope, if you pulled it out of a booster pack,it's just great luck! I pulled a Zekrom EX from the last pack of my Zekrom EX tin! :D As far as I know they have not released tins with two Promos, except maybe the shiny legendary beast tins, but I never got to open those up. All I've seen are opening videos of those. They're probably pretty hard to find now, and the cards are illegal if you're playing the game, so I see no point in buying those anyway! By the way, don't get the Kyurem EX/Zekrom EX/ Reshiram EX tins now!
They will be releasing new tins with cards that are practically needed in decks, so there's no point in buying those tins.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Can you get tins with more than one promo card? The tin I bought had zekrom ex in one of the boosters, but I thought that was just luck.
That's not a promo - it's a regular booster Zekrom EX. Look at the lower right corner. It has no "promo" star.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

This question is directed more towards competitive players than collectors.

What are your purchase plans, if you will, for Dragon's Exalted? What is the most efficient way to obtain cards as soon as possible after the release date?

I would like to run at least four seperate decks as quickly as possible after Dragons Exalted is released (trying to learn the competitive aspects of the game as well as increasing my skills). This is my first time playing during the release of a set. Are singles hard to find on sites like Troll & Toad right after the release? I'm thinking of attending two or three prereleases, purchasing two to four booster boxes and then buying the singles I need online (and perhaps trading with the two people I know in real life). Does that sound like a good strategy?
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Secret Pikachu said:
This question is directed more towards competitive players than collectors.

What are your purchase plans, if you will, for Dragon's Exalted? What is the most efficient way to obtain cards as soon as possible after the release date?

I would like to run at least four seperate decks as quickly as possible after Dragons Exalted is released (trying to learn the competitive aspects of the game as well as increasing my skills). This is my first time playing during the release of a set. Are singles hard to find on sites like Troll & Toad right after the release? I'm thinking of attending two or three prereleases, purchasing two to four booster boxes and then buying the singles I need online (and perhaps trading with the two people I know in real life). Does that sound like a good strategy?

My purchase plans are placing T32 at Worlds so I can get a Booster Box :p
Now, jokes aside. You don't need to attent two or three pre-releases if you're buying 2 to 4 booster boxes. I'd rather save the money from the pre-releases and spend them in a box or singles. If you buy 2 boxes you should only need 1 or 2 holos and maybe1-2 EXs to build the new archetypes, assuming the results of BRs here are like Japan's results.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Secret Pikachu said:
This question is directed more towards competitive players than collectors.

What are your purchase plans, if you will, for Dragon's Exalted? What is the most efficient way to obtain cards as soon as possible after the release date?

I would like to run at least four seperate decks as quickly as possible after Dragons Exalted is released (trying to learn the competitive aspects of the game as well as increasing my skills). This is my first time playing during the release of a set. Are singles hard to find on sites like Troll & Toad right after the release? I'm thinking of attending two or three prereleases, purchasing two to four booster boxes and then buying the singles I need online (and perhaps trading with the two people I know in real life). Does that sound like a good strategy?

Well, I am going to get a box myself, and buy the singles I need after i open the box. If I were you, i'd spend the money of the pre releases on singles, and still buy the boxes. If you buy four and still have the money of the pre releases, you'll be able to build most of the competitive decks.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

If I was going to buy something, open the packs, and then resell it all, what would I be best to buy out of the following?

A Japanese Box,
An English Box,
English Packs,
English Tins,

RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Nengeni said:
If I was going to buy something, open the packs, and then resell it all, what would I be best to buy out of the following?

A Japanese Box,
An English Box,
English Packs,
English Tins,


Well, the thing with singles is that you have to first get them at a good price and then you have to resell them in the high market value, so, depending on the time you want to put in, reselling singles tends to only be worth it with cards worth $10 and above.

I wouldn't buy a Japanese Box because people only really buy the Ultra Rares, and I think you only get one per box. However, if you get a newer B&W box with EX cards, you can pretty much make your money back off of 1-2 EX/FA-EX cards.

English Packs won't get you anywhere if you open them up and then try and resell the cards in them. I would only resell the sealed pack, and only if you get the packs at a steal. For example, I recently bought 185 POP 5 packs for $350 or so -> around $2 a pack, but the retail for these packs is minimum of $5 per pack, so if I resell the sealed packs, I can make a lot of money. However, if I open all the packs then try and sell the cards, I probably won't even make my money back because the only cards of value are the Gold Stars and then the ex cards, which are both hard to pull.

An English Box can do you some good as long as you pick the right set. I wouldn't buy any WoTC boxes to try and open and resell the cards in it because you won't even make your money back for the box. The same kinda goes with ex series boxes. Although a lot of the cards in the sets sell, the boxes for the better selling sets are very expensive. D&P boxes won't do you any good because no one really buys those cards anymore, minus the Lv. X cards, which only like 3 go for more than $5. If you were going to buy a box, get one that is in format because players will always buy legal cards, and you can pretty much sell every card or all your extras.

English tins are kinda the same as packs, there's not enough value in singles to make money. If you are not a collector though, and just sell every card you pull, you can get lucky and pull an Ultra Rare, which, if you buy a newer tin, would pretty much make your money back and then some.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Thanks Roronoa Zoro and Slayer!

I'm still going to attend the prereleases because I have never attended one before. Plus for $30 and participation you end up getting eight booster packs and promotional items (which may include a deck box with four more booster packs?). I'm basically getting my money's worth there.

I wonder what the organizer does with leftover supplies. One of the prereleases that I am attending only has two people, including me, that have signed up. Will he keep the extra booster packs to sell upon the release or will he divy them up (one can hope)? :p