The world ends tomorrow?

I don't think this will happen tomorrow, but I'm open to 12/21/2012...

dmaster out.
Yeah, I don't think the Earth will die from a recreation of a Big Bang. >__> If anything, another Earth will form. ;p

dmater out.
I saw that too, I am really hoping to see what happens. I would suspect that is it made a black hole, then the peaple in space would survive a bit longer.
This is the first time i've heard about this. :p I don't watch the news much, so that's probably why.
I don't think anything bad will happen. Scientists wouldn't do an experiment that would put the Earth in danger.
Either another earth will form, or a small little land of little people will form. :O

HS spelled oxygen wrong. :O
The world wont end.
i found a aritcle on yahoo that said Steven Hawking hawking says the expirament will fail and that nothing will happen and we wont gain any knowladge.

They just think everyone is going to die on December the 21st (I think) 2012
The big bang theory has more chance than this
But if the planet does explode and the universe is re-created then wouldn't tat mean the species would be differed or no species at all on that planet?
Piplup 321 said:
Trust me when I say this; the world will not end tomorrow.
My physics teacher expained this to our class. The thing a lot of people are worried about is the possibility of a black hole being created from this experiment. But the thing is, there is only a very small chance that that will happen, and even if it did, the black hole would be smaller than a speck of dust and vanish within a few seconds. Not enough to cause any damage. ;)
Anyway, the experiment that the scientists at CERN are going to conduct, is basically smashing a couple of atoms together at a very fast rate. They are trying to find out what's inside the atom or something like that.
My physics teacher even showed us a youtube video showing some CERN scientists doing a rap that explained there experiment. It was funny. :D

Edit: I believe I've found the video.
I still don't understand it much.. but it's a catchy tune. :p

There is already a black hole in the Earth. I don't remember exactly where but I think it is near Eruope or Asia. It is a really deep crack that formed a long time ago. Way before People started living here. You will probably here about it in one of your history or Geography classes but it is just there and it does not do any thing. Ican't remember why they named it the black hole though.:)
I highly doubt a second Earth will form. The Big Bang spread out gases. The gases diffused and stuff, fomed together using gravity and made stars and stuff. I don`t entirely remember. The planets are made of asteroids that have joined together using gravity. (A lot of asteroids.)

Even if there was a second Earth, there wouldnt be people on it. Its rumored that life came from molocules from space, such as oxygen, water, hydrogen, etc. When bacteria formed, there were mutations that made it stick out from the others. They were common enough, that they were able to produce enough for a different species. Then more mutations underwent, bla bla bla, I`m sure you know the rest. One example of a mutation was opossable thumbs. Some mutations werent beneficial, and the organism died. Those that survived reproduced, and had offspring with the same traits. This went on for a long time, creating diverse species of organisms.

So in order for the planet to produce life, you need certain elements. And in order to produce inteligent species, you`ll need to undergo mutations. (Not you, the simple species, such as bacteria.) However this will take millions to billions of years to happen. So I doubt it will just start with little people on it.

People are just scared of the world ending. It was rumored several time and were still here. Right? Infact, the meteor thing is said to be highly unlikely. What I do know that will end all life on Earth, and even the entire universe, is that black matter, or something, is making the universe expand faster and faster. Then something about the tempatures will fall to like -500 degrees or something, (maybe colder.) I doubt anything will live then. I don`t remember it all, but thats what will for sure kill us, because it takes affect all over the universe, (Universe= Everything in existence. No where to run.) Unless we can create some kind of shelter with a continuous food supply, then were dead too. But before all that happens, the Sun will die out. So we`ll need a new planet, with life supporting tempatures, and we`ll need water and oxygen. If its too hot, we`ll die, and our oceans will boil away. If its too cold, our oceans will freeze, and we`ll die.

Sun dies out first, than trillions of years later, the black matter thing will pull the universe apart, making it wider, and we`ll be isolated from the stars. First we`ll lose our gravitational pull from the sun, the Earth will freeze, and be shot out into space. We may crash into a star and burn, or another planet and be crushed. Black matter is invisible, AND the only way you will know its there, is if you see something like, ripples in the sky. Uhh. Example, it will push the light around it away, so you wont see it. But the things around it will appear to be moving, this is the light moving into the other light. Right now black matter is passing right through you, and you don't even know or feel it.

I say the best thing to do to avoid this is go into another dimension if possible, or go back in time to when the universe and Earth were still alive. I don`t see any other way out of this.

First things first, worry about global warming and the meteor, then the sun, then the expansion of the universe. BTW I also saw from the same show that told me about the universe expansion, that the Milky Way Galaxy, is pulling on another galaxy, and will merge. They said that at night, you can see the other galaxy, and will see a bunch of stars. Whats so bad about this? I forgot.... -_-'

I don`t remember the shows name, but I think it was aired on both, the Discovery Channel, and History Channel. The shows name? I forgot.... Hey its been a while. Well. I`m done. Any questions just ask.

One more thing, theres also something similar to black mattet, its called black space or something. The first time I heard of these is when I went to my Wii's New`s Channel. It had a topic about it, and I forgot what it said, until I saw the episode on the History Channel. What black space is? I forgot, but it has something to do with the black matter.

Well, I`m officially done for now. Until I remember something else.

Edit- ONE MORE THING. The reason why you cant see Black Holes is because, the gravitational pull is so strong, not even light can escape it. BUT the way you can see it is similar to seeing the black matter and black space thing. Look around it, and you`ll see like, light moving or things getting sucked into it. You`ll see like little ripples, and it`ll be blurry. I want to learn more about black holes, but teachers and people never talk about this. So I just learn, and remember stuff from TV.

If all the asteroids in the Asteroid Belt fused, they would only be about half the size of the Earths moon. Why want I informed about this? I didnt know until I came here. Anyway, I doubt the world will end yet. Even if it does, we don`t have to. We can do other things with future technology.
As Stephen Hawking said in an interview, many collisions with much higher energy levels occur in Earth's atmosphere every day (Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays). We're still around, right? Unless... Unless it's all a distortion of time and space! *flips 3 coins*


According to Scientific American, the LHC successfully fired one proton beam around the accelerator. They'll next test fire a beam in the opposite direction ensuring that "the path is clear."

Well, here's hoping they find the Higgs boson, that would be an amazing discovery. Although I would much prefer it if they invented some kind of device that would shut up all of these "end of the world" preachers.

@ Bravo: Our Galaxy is on a collision course with Andromeda. The sky would indeed contain more stars (unless the merge flings us away into the lonely depths of space), which is bad news for us because the sheer additional radiation would be nasty. If we get caught up in the centre of the new binary galaxy, it's bad news :<
Well its 03:46 where im at right now. The experiment started at 8 and nothings happened (yet?) jk
It's unfortunate that the LHC is only in the public eye because of the "end of the world" nonsense. It's quite irritating actually.

Uggh, the amount of people saying to me that we are all going to die tommorow because their is some particle thingy-ma-jigg which will create a black hole to eat us all is rather annoying me now.

To be honest, I doubt the existance of the higgs boson particle. Over the years science has created so many more questions than answers (What is dark matter? Are wormholes scientifically plausible?) and it makes me wonder if our vision of scientific knowledge is flawed...

Of course if the particle DOES exist then ignore the last paragraph ;)
"And maybe, just maybe, the largest scientific experiment in human history would produce some anti-matter, or miniature black holes that would quickly disappear"

I think we'll be okay, but just in case, Happy Early Birthday, Spoon! :D
I thought we already have supplies of anti-matter incarcerated in magnetic fields...

I think a field that endows the elementary particles with mass is rather... odd. What happened to Einstein's energy-matter equivalence principle? ;o
Anti matter has been created. The problem is, what to do with it. (I thought it could only be kept in vacuums though?)

Though I would be intrested to see what makes up Quarks. (If they are the smallest particle that is) said:
so we havn't died, but there warming up the machine...
They will do the experimant in December...

So in December people might be bringing up this topic again? sigh...