The world ends tomorrow?

They were I think
I tried to explain everything in my science class the story but no-one listened
We do have a very small supply of anti-matter. I believe they are generating it somewhere near Chicago. They can only make very small amounts.
Kevin Garrett said:
We do have a very small supply of anti-matter. I believe they are generating it somewhere near Chicago. They can only make very small amounts.

The Fermilab particle accelerator locate in Batavia, Illinois. :)
I thought quarks were considered point particles...

Some scientists think that quarks can be made of even smaller particles (Though I know all of this from a lecture from a university professor about a year ago so details may be a bit fuzzy)
zomg :O the monkey knows his physics.

too bad the world didn't get sucked into a giant black hole. i wanted to get sent through time :[

:O if spoon's birthday is the 12th, my birthday is exactly one week after :]
I want to know if it will create dark matter, i could explain it but so complecated read wikipedia...

No matter what scientists do they cant make a computer progam of the universe because all the planets, stars and everything dont make enough gravityto hold it all in place, so all that extra gravity n stuff comes from dark matter and dark energy. Even the tiniest amount could power a whole city for weeks...
:O Thats what it was called. Dark matter and dark energy.

Well the science teacher explained a bunch of things. Nothings going to hapoen untl they make the particles move in both directions and collide. She said something about unlimited energy. But right now its too much, and we cant harness it yet.
Well, it's been 4 days since this thread's started, so I think it's safe to assume the world isn't going to end :)
Pokémaniac said:
Tommorow, scientists are activating a super-powerful machine that will do a series of extremely awesome things to try and recreate the Big Bang. Whilst most believe nothing bad will happen, and in fact the Ansers to the Universe will be revealed(Or, at least made a little bit more obvious), some believe the mini-blackholes created by the experiment will break out and swallow the entire plannet from the inside.

More reading for those of you that care.


(Also, if the world is destroyed, it will be destroyed on 9/11 in America. Could it possibly be a coincidence?)

If God wanted the world to end, it would end right here and now. God would have gotten rid of the black hole and distort science if he wanted to. We are still living arent we?(No offense to anyone, especially God) said:
yh we are safe but they don't do the xperiment till December so we still might die in December...

Hmm... Well, if we're going to die in December, I hope those scientist at least wait untill Christmas is over...
SheimiGiratina said:
If God wanted the world to end, it would end right here and now. God would have gotten rid of the black hole and distort science if he wanted to. We are still living arent we?(No offense to anyone, especially God)
Or maybe there are people who are trying to look at this rationally and not through religion?
They do the experiment i think on 21st of December...
Qoute:If God wanted the world to end, it would end right here and now. God would have gotten rid of the black hole and distort science if he wanted to. We are still living arent we?(No offense to anyone, especially God):UnQoute
No offense but these people are trying to find a way to how the universe was created yada yada, through a rational, and 1 in 50million chace apocylyptic, way...
But I understand SheimiGiratina as i am also religous...