The world ends tomorrow?

What do you mean say what?
They are going to hopefully leave it alone and not blow up the universe
They're not blowing up the universe.

Geez, stop freaking yourself out ._.

Seriously, do you honestly think a bunch of the best scientists in the world would risk blowing up the planet?
And they spend 17 years building this thing, you can't honestly expect them to just quit and move on just because some people fear that there might possibly be a possible possibility of there being a possible destruction of the planet, possibly. Get a sense of realism.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
They're not blowing up the universe.

Geez, stop freaking yourself out ._.

Seriously, do you honestly think a bunch of the best scientists in the world would risk blowing up the planet?
And they spend 17 years building this thing, you can't honestly expect them to just quit and move on just because some people fear that there might possibly be a possible possibility of there being a possible destruction of the planet, possibly. Get a sense of realism.

Yes, but I won't get into that. :F
Nothing happened. :D I will be watching out for December in four years though.

dmaster out.
I will be watching out for December in four years though.

Would that be December 21st 2012 by any chance? (Based on a Mayan prophecy i think?)
I read somewhere that the Mayan calendar ended in 2012 or something. But does that mean that it will mean the end?
Señor Noobnerd said:
I read somewhere that the Mayan calendar ended in 2012 or something. But does that mean that it will mean the end?
Yes it will, be afraid, be very afraid... Don't forget to run, hide in the mountains and join a sect.
Señor Noobnerd said:
I read somewhere that the Mayan calendar ended in 2012 or something. But does that mean that it will mean the end?

I remember learning about them last year in World History. They think the world will come to an end during that year.
I'm not worried about any of this stuff. :) said:
No the experiment is on 21st decmber THIS YEAR...

If a black hole decides it wants to be a rebel and destor the entire world, it will take 4 years.

Also, I don't personally believe that the world will end. I just wanted people opinions - not just on the apocalypse, but on the experiment itself too!
Señor Noobnerd said:
I read somewhere that the Mayan calendar ended in 2012 or something. But does that mean that it will mean the end?

It is believed by the Mayans that 2012 will make the beginning of a new era in history. Unfortunately, it may involve the death of all humans.

Count the time to December 21st 2012, 11:11 A.M.

I personally don't think the world will end then, but that's because of my religious views.

Heh, that day is on my younger brother's birthday. What a happy last day he gets. =S
I've heard about that 2012 MAya doom stuff.

Personally, I sorta believe it, but am not sure. Guess I'll wait till December.
I googled it, and apparently the earth will change polarity (the north pole and south pole will switch). For that to happen, the world will have to stop rotating. Think about it. We are moving at millions of miles per hour. What do you think will happen if we go from >1 mil MPH to 0 in a small amount of time?


This message provided by the December 20, 2012, project. Fear is good in the eyes of us messed up members of the December 20, 2012 project. :)
I heard the Earth moves at 600 miles per hour, but my memorys very foggy right now.

I was watching some othet stuff a while ago, and learned that quzars are the most vibrant or wtvr things in the universe. (They give off the most energy.)

I don`t feel like typing a school worths post again. Especially considering this is on the wii. ]:<

I type fast on either one, but slower on the wii.

I doubt the world will end on 2012 or wtvr. I dont think a civilization from so far in the past, could predict something we cant today.

Note- May edit.

Edit- Were all going to die. I typed looked it up, and there are 7 things that will/may kill us in 2012. You know what? I`m not happy. Ima die young. ]:<

Many things I didnt get to do in life. Too many. -_- I`ll post the link tommorow, considering I cant copy and paste, and its too late right now for typing the link.
All these death end-of-world dates are rubbish. There's been so many times in the past where everybody thinks they're going to die....

I can't remember whether humanity completely died out. I think I'll go check.

Johnny Bravo said:
Edit- Were all going to die. I typed looked it up, and there are 7 things that will/may kill us in 2012. You know what? I`m not happy. Ima die young. ]:<

Is it any coincidence that these stupid theories are ALL IN THE SAME YEAR? No, it's not- 2012 is a "significant" year (Olympics anyone?) and thus is the target of many conspiracy theories.

And plus, if anything was a REAL threat, proper scientists would actually check it out.
