RE: The X and Y Metagame Speculation Thread
My first impression is that Greninja looks to be the most threatening. It really reminds me of Starmie. When you look at Starmie, base 115 Speed is awesome, but 100 sp. attack in this metagame is rather average, and 60/85/85 defenses aren't the greatest either. (Not bad, but not the greatest.) Starmie makes up for it though in its ability to hit with amazing type coverage- no matter what you have out, Starmie can hit it super-effectively between Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunder(bolt), Psychic, Grass Knot, and HP Fire.
Greninja reminds me of this a lot. Awesome speed, less-than-ideal but not bad attack and special attack (85ish and 95ish). With Life Orb and super-effective coverage though, it has the potential to hit a lot harder than one would think. With 85 attack as well, we could also see it potentially run a mixed set. I would assume as a Water-type it gets the stereotypical water-type moves in Surf, Waterfall, and Hydro Pump, as well as Ice Beam/Ice Punch for coverage. As a Dark-type we might see Dark Pulse or Crunch. It's got a free slot on Hidden Power to work with. Rain boosting its power (via politoed) isn't a bad thing either (although running 2 mono-waters is kind of meh.) With 125 speed I feel like it could clean weakened teams up really well. Perhaps not in OU, but maybe in like UU or RU.
The other ones are just...depressing. Chesnaught is really depressing. It honestly seems like a less good Tangrowth as far as offense is concerned, and a less good torTERROR as far as defense is concerned. Although if it gets STAB Close Combat, that could change in a hurry. Grass/Fighting offensive STAB doesn't seem that bad. Delphox is also dissapointing, although Fire Blast/Psychic for Offensive STAB off of base 115 is something ninetales wishes it had. It gets the added bonus that a lot of pokemon that resist fire in the lower tiers (ie: Rhyperior) are physically-based, and would thus take a lot of damage from Psychic and/or Hidden Power.