RE: **Toon Link's Trading Thread** [H] KINGDRAS [W] LEAFEON LV.X'S ~CHECK IT OUT~
shaymin- nothing
darthaxle- I do not want to trade/sell Luxray's, is there any Lv.X's you like?
androman- I dont have a ENG Mesprit Lv.X, only JPN. I can sell the Uxie Lv.X for $25. Claydols are not for trade/sell, and so are azelfs. LMK
shaymin- nothing
darthaxle- I do not want to trade/sell Luxray's, is there any Lv.X's you like?
androman- I dont have a ENG Mesprit Lv.X, only JPN. I can sell the Uxie Lv.X for $25. Claydols are not for trade/sell, and so are azelfs. LMK