Wi-Fi Trades TONS for trade! NEED Adamant perfect talonflame

RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

I sent you a PM :) very interested in some of your pokes :)
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

Ka$h Money said:
Hi, I'm interested in a 5 IV Adamant technician Scyther. Here are the Pokemon you might be interested in:

- 4 IV jolly Speed boost Venipede (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Modest Gooey Goomy (not attack)
- 4 IV Timid Infiltrator Noibat (not attack)
- 4 IV Adamant Gale wings Fletchling (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Adamant Honedge (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Adamant Drilbur (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Adamant Huge power Marill w/belly drum & aqua jet(not Sp Atk)

any way you'd do both the goomy and the drilbur for a scyther? (Since they're 4IV instead of 5)

Keeper of Night said:
If you can get me a 5 IV Goomy, I can breed you a 5 IV Abra. I already have all the other things you listed. :p

okay I'll pm you when I have it :)
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

arulz said:
Ka$h Money said:
Hi, I'm interested in a 5 IV Adamant technician Scyther. Here are the Pokemon you might be interested in:

- 4 IV jolly Speed boost Venipede (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Modest Gooey Goomy (not attack)
- 4 IV Timid Infiltrator Noibat (not attack)
- 4 IV Adamant Gale wings Fletchling (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Adamant Honedge (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Adamant Drilbur (not Sp Atk)
- 4 IV Adamant Huge power Marill w/belly drum & aqua jet(not Sp Atk)

any way you'd do both the goomy and the drilbur for a scyther? (Since they're 4IV instead of 5)

Yeah that's fine. Can the Scyther be female please.
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

I keep perfect parents and have an extra male on hand, so if you don't mind waiting till I get a female one then yes it can be female :)

alternatively I have a few 4IV females around with perfect everything except HP or maybe Sp.Def.
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

arulz said:
I keep perfect parents and have an extra male on hand, so if you don't mind waiting till I get a female one then yes it can be female :)

alternatively I have a few 4IV females around with perfect everything except HP or maybe Sp.Def.

Alright, can I propose I give you an extra 4 IV Pokemon and you can give me a 4 IV Female instead (with technician).
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

I like the marill. PM with full offer :)
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

interested in a breeding pair of 4iv or 5iv adamant technician scyther. anything here interest you? http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-archael-s-breeding-bazaar-6iv-gastly-4-iv-s-or-higher-only
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

I can do a breeding pair of 4IV scyther for a breeding pair of 4IV ghastly :)
RE: HAVES: 6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

arulz said:
I can do a breeding pair of 4IV scyther for a breeding pair of 4IV ghastly :)

done. can you trade any time soon?
RE: HAVES: Lots of 4-6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: Togepi, Chansey, other perfect pokemon, shinies!

We could trade now. Do you have a togepi by any chance?
RE: HAVES: Lots of 4-6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: 4-6IV Pokemon! (togekiss, chansey, more) Also shinies! :)

no i dont have a togepi sry. u still online for that trade? keep missing you
RE: HAVES: Lots of 4-6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: 4-6IV Pokemon! (togekiss, chansey, more) Also shinies! :)

back online now :)
RE: HAVES: Lots of 4-6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: 4-6IV Pokemon! (togekiss, chansey, more) Also shinies! :)

good to trade then?
RE: HAVES: Lots of 4-6IV Adamant Tech. Scyther! Tons of shinies! WANTS: 4-6IV Pokemon! (togekiss, chansey, more) Also shinies! :)

yep! My fc is in my sig
RE: Gym Leader arulz accepting challenges! Looking to trade PERFECT Adament Tech SCYTHER for other perfect pokemon, and looking to trade shinies for other shinies! :)

Bump! Looking for ANY competitive 5IV perfect pokemon to trade for my scyther :) I even have 5IV breeding pairs if you're that hardcore!
RE: Gym Leader arulz accepting challenges! Looking to trade PERFECT Adament Tech SCYTHER for other perfect pokemon, and looking to trade shinies for other shinies! :)

What Poke'ball are your 5v scizors in? I have my share of 5v's but in regular Pokeballs... :/
RE: Gym Leader arulz accepting challenges! Looking to trade PERFECT Adament Tech SCYTHER for other perfect pokemon, and looking to trade shinies for other shinies! :)

sadly they're in regular pokeballs too :p I don't really care too much overall about what pokeball they're in myself haha
RE: Gym Leader arulz accepting challenges! Looking to trade PERFECT Adament Tech SCYTHER for other perfect pokemon, and looking to trade shinies for other shinies! :)

eh, I don't care THAT much but it'd be nice to have something different.
RE: Gym Leader arulz accepting challenges! Looking to trade PERFECT Adament Tech SCYTHER for other perfect pokemon, and looking to trade shinies for other shinies! :)

For sure.

Still looking to trade some of him, probably for anything that has 5IV's :)
RE: Gym Leader arulz accepting challenges! Looking to trade PERFECT Adament Tech SCYTHER for other perfect pokemon, and looking to trade shinies for other shinies! :)

do you have anything else you'd let go with 5iv?