Are the characters interesting? Their actions are 100% predictable and just plain dull IMO. I mean think about it! EVERY SINGLE ONE is a stereotype. They have no personality outside of that stereotype. You can see that exact same character on every other dull show with few ideas. I found an exact match up for 2/3 characters from different shows to each character in this one. I double checked... exactly the same. The speech patterns, actions, and relationships were all the same. That isn't a good show... its just lazy. And, once again, none of the characters have motives. Sometimes hatred will come in, but its primarily money. We have not once seen them even communicate outside of "LUTS GET the MONEH". There was that "alliance" in season 1, if you want to call it that. Have you ever seen a REAL reality show alliance? Survivor is a perfect example of this. The writers could use something like this due to the show's nature of voting players off. Instead, the closest thing they had to an alliance was "DEW what EY SAI".
I apparently do not have the sense of humor required for this show. I appreciate dumb humor like that of Tom & Jerry, and sophisticated humor shown in some sitcoms that run. The only type of humor (at least that I thought of) that I disapprove of is racist/sexist/overly adult humor. I don't see too much of that here (unless Mexicans speaking in Spanish is racist and humorous...). I will concede that I might not get the humor... but the fact that I've asked many KIDS who watch the show, and they don't know what's "funny" about it. They actually don't find it funny. And also, they reuse unfunny gags. I KNOW that the Ezykial gag is extremely unfunny. Why bother using unfunny gags? That shows poor writing. Funny gags can be reused a few times, but that one gag has been used way more than a funny gag should have been used.
The challenges are fine, but only if you think the characters are interesting. That is the flaw of this type of show. This show is not very high-production, so it can't really have too dynamic challenges. Think about it. Take... Naruto for example. People either love or hate the characters. No one can deny, however, that the action scenes are decent. In this show, we see nothing of the sort. The "action scenes" are all character based, and not "OH EM GEE DEES EEZ AWZUM" based. If you don't care about the characters, you won't enjoy them going up a pyramid. If the challenges are what you care about, perhaps watch an action show. I can't recommend any american (or canadian) ones... because good ones really don't exist. I'd point you right to Dubbed anime.
I can't make you not dispute, so go ahead.